Do You Know Why Nobody Reads Your Blog (And, How You Can Change it Forever?)

Nobody reading your blog

Starting a blog is easy.

Attract readers, not so much. In the blogs that I audit, comes a few cases a moment of great sincerity in which I usually listen: “The truth is that I think nobody reads my blog.”

As a blog author, the fear of not being read is surely one of the most common. But when the statistics come and show you that your fears are coming true, you always have a bad time. Perhaps this explains why the blog dropout rate is so high in novice bloggers.

Find Out If Your Gmail Account Has Been Hacked

gmail account has been hacked

No doubt Gmail is still one of the number one free email clients available worldwide having 1 billion users.

It is fast, beautiful and easy to use – that’s why 90.7 million users access Gmail every month.

Growing popularity of Gmail put it on the radar of hackers.

And, hackers these days have been smart enough in the phishing scam they even fooling experienced technical users.

According to a report, hackers hacked over 10 million Gmail accounts and put it for the sale on the Dark Web.

How to Come Up With A Blog Name

How to Come Up With A Blog Name

Let’s face it – even the PRO bloggers struggle sometimes — when coming up with a blog name.

Most of all, it’s your online brand identity.

…and you wouldn’t dare to mess it with some crazy and generic names.


You probably have TWO questions:

1. What makes a blog name unique?
2. How to come up with a blog name that stand you out from the crowd

And I’ll answer both questions.

8 Surefire Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas

blog post ideas

I know that feeling.

You open MS Word (or the tool you use to write) and then you start getting mocked by the blank screen and the cursor.

Have you ever been into that situation?

You literally don’t know what to write because you don’t any blog topics in your mind.

And that time, even the blinking cursor feels like it is laughing at you.

You know what?

Starting A Blog: 12 Things You Need To Do In First 3 Months

Tips to start a blog

Congrats! Finally you are starting a blog of your own after looking others success with the blog.

I guess you might already have searched almost everything related to blogging from writing a blog post to how to start blog and make money online fast.

Internet is full of blogging tips and tricks and focusing on multiple tasks will get you nowhere.

That’s one of the major reasons why most bloggers fail online.

Many start a blog for money but left blogging in their first three months because they don’t see any results.

Instead of finding the reason they blame on blogging and say:

“Blogging is dead, it is not for them.”

But here is the truth.

Viral Blog Post: How Pro Bloggers Write Blog That Goes Viral

viral blog post

Ever thought how bloggers write viral blog post that get tons of shares, likes, and comments?

On the other hand some never get a single comment or share?

Do they have any power or they know how to make a blog post go viral?

Of course, they do!

I know you are excited to know, what is that secret of creating a viral blog post?

Wait! I will explain everything step-by-step to create a viral blog post.