7 Incredibly Simple Ways to Double Your Audience Engagement in 10 Minutes

improve audience engagement

You crafted each word like an artist. You expected the post you are going to publish will double your audience engagement.

You invested a good amount of time to check if everything is right? And finally hit “publish,” and what happens?

Nobody reads them. No comments, no tweets, no likes, no sharing on Facebook.

This is enough to break your heart. You might be thinking blogging isn’t for you.

Actually, you’re wrong. Because the solution of this problem is a lot easier than you think.

How to Do Blogging Without Being Afraid of Failure

blogging without afraid of failure

Who will read my article?Will they comment, like, and share it? How’d I be successful like Darren Rowse, Sue Ann, Neil Patel, and other pro bloggers?

Do you think about it all the time, but scared, because you don’t know how to do blogging like pros?

If you have the fear of blogging and you want to overcome on that. You have come to the right place.

I will help you to deal with it. Trust me.

But, before that I would like to confess something to you, I wanted to tell you this a long time ago. But I couldn’t dare to tell you.

Why Nobody Cares About your Blog?(How You Can Fix It)

man with laptop

I’m sorry to say, but nobody cares about your blog not even the search engine.

I don’t mean to discourage you, and hurt your feelings. But it’s true.

I understand, you spend your lots of time and effort to write a blog post. Then how can I say that no one takes seriously to your blog?

Around 2 million blog posts published every day, and most of them never get a single comment or shares, less than 5% of bloggers earn more than $10,000 per month.

It is because a majority of bloggers failed to create engaging and compelling content.

3 Simple Strategies to Grow Your Blogging Income from 0 to $1K Per Month

Make Money from blogging

Let’s admit most of us (bloggers) start blogging for making money online. Aren’t we?

But, only a few of us are lucky, who are generating income from blogging. Many are still struggling to get their first client who pays them.

Why aren’t you able to make money even you have a excellent blog that is getting good amount of traffic?

Why even people having low traffic website are generating money while you are still scrambling.

Building a high-traffic website is not enough until you don’t know to generate income with that.

In this post, I will show you 3 simple strategies how to monetize your blog traffic.

9 Effective Blogging Hacks Only Genius Bloggers Use (And You Should Use Them Too)

Blogging Hacks

We do blogging to make money and become a successful blogger. But you already know that blogging is not easy as it looks.

To get successful in blogging, you need to follow some blogging rules.

Ever tried to figure out how some bloggers become successful while several other inexperienced bloggers are still unable to leave their mark?

No idea?

Let me tell you.

Smart bloggers set some smart blogging rules and honestly follow those rules. If you want to be a successful blogger, then you must learn those creative blogging skills and apply them to your blog post.