3 Simple Strategies to Grow Your Blogging Income from 0 to $1K Per Month

Make Money from blogging

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Let’s admit most of us (bloggers) start blogging for making money online. Aren’t we?

But, only a few of us are lucky, who are generating income from blogging. Many are still struggling to get their first client who pays them.

Why aren’t you able to make money even you have an excellent blog that is getting good amount of traffic?

Why even people having low traffic website are generating money while you are still scrambling.

Building a high-traffic website is not enough until you don’t know to generate income with that.

In this post, I will show you 3 simple strategies how to monetize your blog traffic.

#1. Start Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is probably one the best and most effective way to making money online. 8 out of 10 bloggers on the internet are selling affiliate products on their website and making the quality amount of money.

You might already know what is the affiliate marketing? In case, if you are beginner who has no idea about affiliate marketing there here a quick definition:

Affiliate marketing is a marketing style where you sell a product online through the website and after a successful purchase you get a fixed amount of commission. 

Pat Flynn is generating six figure smart passive income from affiliate marketing. Lots more bloggers are making huge money from affiliate marketing.

If you do it right then, you won’t need any other resources of making money. Doing right?

Of course, there are some rules of affiliate marketing that you need to follow to get successful.

Following are the steps of affiliate marketing you need to know:

  • Step 1- Select a niche that is related to your niche.
  • Step 2- Research affiliate programs carefully and pick the product which has a high commission program
  • Step 3- Create excellent content that best suits to your affiliate product
  • Step 4- Build an audience if you haven’t one already
  • Step 5-  Promote your affiliate product to that audience through your website content

How can you find affiliate partners?

Finding an affiliate partner is easy, and you can do it by searching in Google. However, all affiliate marketing sites aren’t created equal. So you should only choose that pays well.

Here are some popular affiliate partner websites that you should check out:

  1. ClickBank – One of the old and trusted and free affiliate providing website and
  2. ShareASale –  Affiliate network providing website founded in 2000, who offer pay-per-sale, pay per lead and pay per click program for bloggers
  3. Rakuten Affiliate Network (Previously Linkshare) – Currently, the largest affiliate network, having more than 10 million affiliate partners
  4.  Amazon Associates – One of the largest and miscellaneous affiliate products provider

#2. Create Job Boards on Your Website

Job boards quietly become such a popular way to make money online in recently years, and it is not going to stop in near future.

Many entrepreneurs are creating job boards on their website such as Problogger Job Boards.

Even though many people are opening job boards but still lots of blank space are available for many marketers.

If you create your job board in a specific niche (home improvement or pest control,etc.) you’ll have less competition and a good opportunity to target qualified audiences.

You have to create a separate webpage that allows companies to post job vacancies. When a company ask you to list their job application you can charge them a little amount of fee for the listing. And also if someone fill the job application.

Note – This option might be not more favorable for the small websites who has less traffic. But, you have a website that is getting a good amount of traffic then you should try this method of making money.

The more you’ll have visitors, more job applications will be filled. You can use paid plugin like WP Job Board.

#3. Write Product Reviews

If you are good with words, don’t waste your creative talent. Why don’t you use this talent to make money by writing reviews for products and services and get paid?

Yes, write reviews and you will get paid.

Writing reviews are almost same as affiliate marketing the only difference is, you have to write a detailed review about a product and post it on your website.

However, you can write reviews on every kind of products, from tools, books, movies, products, software anything which you think you can tell people better about it.

But, I wouldn’t advice you to write about multiple items. If you are a digital marketer who knows digital marketing very well can’t write a review about medicine or physics book.

Writing for a wrong audience will only cost your time, and you will get nothing. So it would be nice for you to write a review that best fit for your audience.

Following are some sites that offer product reviews services:

  1. LinkVechile
  2. Blogmint
  3. SonseredReviews
  4. Matomy SEO

Writing reviews is an excellent opportunity to earn extra money from your website. Understand the power of your words and turn it into cash.

Final Thoughts!

If you are serious about making money from blogging, you should choose multiple money making options.

All you need to know is learn how to use your website traffic and audience in a right way. So you can sell your product without bothering your audience.

70% of bloggers never make a single penny from their website because they don’t know how to earn money from blogging.

If you will apply the above mentioned tactics today! I am sure within thirty days you will be able to generate enough money.

Let me know your thought and money making suggestions in the comment section.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

21 thoughts on “3 Simple Strategies to Grow Your Blogging Income from 0 to $1K Per Month”

  1. well explained and simple to understand. Blogging is a wonderful career with a single blog we can make money multiple ways am making some of the methods which i knew now want to start a new blog on affiliate marketing. hope will make some nice income through affiliate products. thanks for sharing.

  2. Affiliate marketing is truly a great start for newbies. They help to earn good money with a good way and you also earn from them.

  3. Hi Umesh,
    Good to be here from Sue’s blog where you dropped a comment.
    I make money with these three methods. I’m excited to see method 2 for that’s something most people don’t think about.

    I actually created the job board for bloggers called BlogExpose. With over 500 active bloggers, it’s soon beginning to generate real income.

    Product reviews is great but bloggers often don’t know where to start attracting advertisers. But once you’ve written a couple of those reviews, things will start falling in place.

    Thanks for the great post. Home you are having a wonderful week

  4. Hello Umesh,

    Well said. I started to make money after getting into the product reviews.

    Being a digital marketer I can testify what’s written above is upto the mark.

    Keep up the good work.


  5. Hi Enstine,

    I am big fan of you Man, I love you work. Creating job board is one of the best way to generate passive income if you have a good amount of traffic. Still most of the bloggers aren’t using this technique.

    Very soon I am going to share some more tips of money making. Keep visiting. 🙂

  6. Hey Umesh,

    Good tips here. The product review idea is something I hadn’t come across before.

    I’m starting a free blogging class using blue host and converkit affiliate links a la Pat Flynn. I’m thinking it’ll go well.

    Keep doing your thing!

  7. Hi Ayodeji,

    If you are good with words then products reviews is one of the best way to earn passive income. There are several sites that pay good amount of money for reviews their products.

    I am glad you found it useful. Keep visiting.

  8. Blogging and earning thorugh blogs have become a full fledged job in contemporary times . If one knows how to harness the various resources and associated features of blogs one can really make it big.

  9. Absolutely correct Subhadrika, Many bloggers do blogging but doesn’t know exactly how to make money from their blog. I am glad you liked it.

  10. Hey Umesh,

    What a great post!

    Thinking of making money since day one is the thing that makes bloggers get lost in the middle. They should build the strong relationship and most importantly trust between them and their audience, and only then, all these strategies will work for them.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful strategies!

    Keep posting!


  11. Hi Hussain,

    Thanks brother, your comment always inspires me to do better than before. You are right strong relationship between marketers and their audience is curical to make money online.

    Have a nice day. 🙂

    Umesh Singh

  12. This is simple and concise – I like your guide to grow a new or an existing blog to 1K online asset.

    Affiliate marketing is never easy for beginners, do you think a new site can handle a job board? If ‘Yes, show more light.

    I acknowledge the fact about product reviews, that has helped recently on my blog. Though I used some tactics to make sales.


  13. Hi Joseph,

    You are right affiliate marketing is not easy for begginer until they know how to do it correct way.

    Yes, a new site can handle a job board if get it right.

    Umesh Singh

  14. Most people failed to make money online because they don’t have a proven system that works for them…

    Good news is, this system has helped more than 100 ordinary people, including newbies to make real money.

    You can be one of them too:

    The best part is…

    -You don’t need to write or produce any unique content

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    Don’t be left behind.

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