Security Ninja Review: Unbroken Shield to Protect Your WordPress Website

Security Ninja Review

Imagine you turn on your laptop to check out your money making website’s stats and what you see the message on the laptop’s screen is:

“Your website has been hacked.”

Isn’t that a scary imagination?

Yes, it is.

I’m glad it hasn’t happened to you.


…it doesn’t mean it won’t happen in the future.

You can’t stop hackers to hack your WordPress website unless you have a Security Ninja who harden your WordPress security like a rock.

Things You Wish You Knew Before Signing up with Bluehost


You’ve scoured the internet for a hosting company and finally settled with Bluehost. An award-winning web hosting company, Bluehost has often been touted as the best choice for beginner bloggers and website owners based on reviews.

While we do recommend them as a hosting company if you’re a beginner, there are a few things that you should know before you sign up with Bluehost.

000Webhost Review: Should You Trust on Free Web Hosting?

000webhost review

Wanna start your first blog, but running on a tight budget to buy a premium web hosting?

No problem, I’ve got you covered with 000webhost.

000webhost is a completely free website hosting provider serving users 2007.

Since 2007 millions of website have been hosted on 000webhost and still going on.

Today, I’m going to provide you my honest 000webhost review.

SendPulse Review: Swiss Army Knife of Email Marketing

sendpluse review

Email marketing is still one of the best and cost-effective marketing tools people use to reach their targeted clients.

In fact, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38.

There are lots of email service providers you can use to send emails most of them are good.

Under Construction Page WordPress Plugin Review : Best Free Plugin for Creating A Maintenance Mode Or Coming Soon Page


Nothing is more embarrassing than visiting a website with a dead link or a broken page.

All reputation and hours of your hard works’ result get zero in few seconds because you hadn’t created any customized under construction or maintenance page for broken link.

Which you could have created easily within few seconds using Under Construction WordPress plugin.

Yes, you read it right under construction WordPress plugin is the one simple plugin that you can use to create under construction/maintenance page while you’re doing work on your site.