Under Construction Page WordPress Plugin Review : Best Free Plugin for Creating A Maintenance Mode Or Coming Soon Page


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Nothing is more embarrassing than visiting a website with a dead link or a broken page.

All your hard work results gets zero in just few seconds because you hadn’t created any customized maintenance or under construction page for the broken links.

Which you could have easily created within few seconds using Under Construction Page WordPress plugin.

Yes, you read it right Under Construction Page WordPress plugin is a free and simple plugin that allows you to create under construction/maintenance page while you’re doing work other important work on your site.

In today’s post, I am going to review Under Construction Page WordPress plugin and explore everything you need to know about this plugin.

Why should you use Under Construction WordPress plugin?

First of all, you can easily create a beautiful professional looking under construction page, maintenance mode page, or a coming soon page even if you aren’t a technical person.

Second, it’s a free of cost plugin and isn’t take less than a minute to install & configure.

You don’t need to spend lots of time to create an under construction page.

Under Construction Page WordPress plugin makes that easy for you.

It is easy to use, simple, fast, efficient & user-friendly and comes with awesome pre-made templates.


With the help of its powerful maintenance page builder you can set up a maintenance page for any WordPress based site.

Under Construction Page WordPress plugin also in useful, when you need to do a specific task on your site but you want to hide it from the public eyes.

In short, it’s an all in one and best Under Construction Page WordPress plugin for all those situations whenever you have to put your site on Under Construction Mode or maintenance mode.

Features of Under Construction WordPress plugin:

Under Construction Page Plugin has lots of rich features that you can use for FREE.

Here these are:

Easily track visitors – Under Construction page plugin supports Google Analytics that lets you track how many visitors are coming to your site when it’s in maintenance mode.

Schedule Deactivation – This plugin comes with a feature of schedule deactivation that allows you to set a date and a specific time when the under-construction page deactivates and website becomes accessible to the public user.

New Themes – The plugins has lots of awesome designed new themes and every time when it updates a new theme adds in the theme gallery.

Social buttons – All the templates of this plugin comes with social sharing buttons where you can add your social profile URLs from the admin panel of the plugin.

Therefore, your followers can share it with their friends.

Access – This feature is extremely useful where you can give limited access of your site to the specific users.

You’ll have the full control to different users roles such as which user will view the normal site and which one will see the construction page when he is visiting your site.


Content – By using this feature you can show your own customized content (styled text to images.)


Before using this plugin, I’ve already had tried several plugins for creating an under construction page and maintenance page, but honestly to say no one was close to this free under construction page plugin.

The good thing about this plugin is it updates regularly in every two weeks.

Besides the updates, they also have a decent support system who answers every thread in no time.

Under Construction Page WordPress Plugin has everything that you may need while launching a maintenance or coming soon page.

The plugin isn’t not only helps you regained your social popularity while your site is in maintenance mode but also secure your SEO, tracking visitors, and much more.

In conclusion, it is the best free under construction page WordPress Plugin that you can use today to create a coming soon page or under construction page.

Let me know your thoughts about this under construction WordPress Plugin review.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

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