How Social Media Influencers Can Improve Your Brand’s Marketing

social media influence

With the rise of different social networks comes the rise of social media influencers as well. Who are they, and what good can they bring to your brand or business? Read on.

The first widespread use of influence in marketing can be dated back to the late 1800s where the influence of popular celebrities are leveraged to market cigarettes and home goods services. And from then on, the influence of prominent personalities and the biggest names in different industries are used to market products and services.

The Blogger’s Guide Using Emotions in Blogging That Win Hearts and Minds

emotions in blogging

Are you experiencing low audience engagement on your value-packed blog posts?

Are your readers hardly staying on your posts more than a few seconds?

If you are nodding your head in yes, you aren’t alone.

Many bloggers are struggling with the same issue as you have.

Believe me, I also have faced this problem and I can understand it isn’t easy to make readers stay unless they emotionally attach to you or vice-versa.

You know you are a master in your field and you have a good experience in your subject, but you have no idea how to deliver it to your readers that they will love.

How To Do Creative Blogging That Hook New Readers

creative blogging

Whaatttt??? Once again, no new readers. Same amount of shares. Same people’s comment. 🙁

Where the heck are my new readers? Why aren’t they coming to my blog?

Does that sound familiar to you?

I can feel your pain.

Guess what? You know your readership is decreasing.

Do you know why?

7 Incredibly Simple Ways to Double Your Audience Engagement in 10 Minutes

improve audience engagement

You crafted each word like an artist. You expected the post you are going to publish will double your audience engagement.

You invested a good amount of time to check if everything is right? And finally hit “publish,” and what happens?

Nobody reads them. No comments, no tweets, no likes, no sharing on Facebook.

This is enough to break your heart. You might be thinking blogging isn’t for you.

Actually, you’re wrong. Because the solution of this problem is a lot easier than you think.