How To Do Creative Blogging That Hook New Readers

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Whaatttt??? Once again, no new readers. Same amount of shares. Same people’s comment. 🙁

Where the heck are my new readers? Why aren’t they coming to my blog?

Does that sound familiar to you?

I can feel your pain.

Guess what? You know your readership is decreasing.

Do you know why?

Because people aren’t finding anything new and interesting in your articles.

In other words, the piece of content you are creating are useless and boring.

You are not doing creative blogging anymore.

What is a creative blogging?

Creative blogging is turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.

It is an art of providing information in a way that entertains and inspires the readers to take an action.

Why do you need to do creative blogging?

When you start a blog; you want to share your experience and knowledge.

When you show your creativity, you literally send out signals to the rest of the world about who you are.

In other words, you show them how you are different from other people who share similar interests and vibe about the same things.

Similarly, if you’re getting bored with your blog, your readers are too.

This isn’t good for you, your blog doesn’t have to join the group of the boring blogs that had gone from entertaining to boring and neglected to dead and buried.

All you need are some new creative blogging ideas to win your audience back and power up your blog.

So, let’s get creative!

Surprise your readers with a new theme

Everyone likes to surprise, so does your audience.

Emory University and Baylor College of Medicine researchers found in their research that brain’s pleasure centers are more “turned on” when we experience unpredictable pleasant things, compared to expected pleasant events.

How would you feel when you reach at your home after school and see there is a new shining bike standing at your door instead of your old broken bicycle?

Could you explain that feeling?

No, you can’t?

Because you were waiting for that bike for a long time.

Same happens with your audiences when they see a different content on your blog rather usual boring plain text.

Adding some cool videos, funny GIFs, and images can add a few new sprinkles to plain old boring topics.

[Tweet “Remember, no topics are boring, It is you who make them boring. #noboringcontent”]

If you will not keep pace with the trend and bring innovation to your blogging, you will be out of business.

A brand like Ran-ban understands this psychology. They know their consumers well enough to push branding boundaries without distancing its audience.

Ray-ban has always mixed the cool-factor to design – from a close-up, stylized face with a fashion-forward red lip in the 1950s to a crowd of young party people celebrating good times in 2014.


Share a secret that you have never shared with anyone

You don’t need to do something special, but attract readers in by sharing that you never shared with anyone.

Admit that you afraid of horror movies.

Accept that you’ve struggled with anxiety.

Share your blogging journey’s challenges and how did you successfully face them.

Provide them something that they can relate to themselves. Especially something that others don’t share.

You can share your best blogging tips that you never told anyone.

How you write a blog and choose the topics.

Successful bloggers like Neil Patel and Brain Dean usually shares their tips, tricks, tools with their audience.

It doesn’t only make their blog more enjoyable for the long-term, but also set up a personal connection between them and their audiences.

Benefits of sharing secrets

Following are the benefits of sharing secrets with your audiences:

  • Sharing your secrets positions you as an expert in your niche
  • Sharing your secrets helps you create high-quality and more informative content
  • Sharing your secrets distinguish your blog from others in your industry
  • Sharing your secrets allows you to help and support other newbie bloggers
  • Sharing your secrets builds trust with your audience, leading to higher engagement and brand loyalty

Interview customers and target audiences about the niche

You have been talked many times about the benefits of using your products and services. Don’t you?

But have you ever asked your consumers what makes them buy the things you’re selling?

[Tweet “People always like to hear from the real customers about your product which they are going to buy. “]

A survey conducted by Dimensional Research found that 90% people claimed that they buy a product after reading online reviews.


Interview your customers about your niche. It will help you to create a high-quality and valuable content.

Build a list of questions that you want to ask them.

Following are the key questions you might ask:

  • What are their biggest challenges and difficulties?
  • What have they tried to overcome these hurdles?
  • What has worked and what hasn’t?
  • What skills they learned to overcome these challenges?
  • What elements was missing from the help they got?
  • What sort of help they want should be provided?
  • Where do they spend their time online?

Now you have a good list of interview questions. Find someone you know personally so you can ask for his opinion.

You can also organize an online survey with the help of the above questions.

You can use online survey tools like Survey Monkey or Typeform to do a survey.

Share your success story

I like to read and hear success stories of others, and I am sure you do, too.

Success stories always inspire to never give up.

Share your successful blogging journey with your audience. How did you get here from nowhere?

You can share your own of some other successful person success story.

Have you heard about the Colonel (Harland) Sanders?

In case, if you haven’t heard about him, yet.

Let me tell you about him.

Colonel (Harland) Sanders was the founder of famous fast food chicken restaurant chain (KFC) Kentucky Fried Chicken.

For most of his life, he was a terrible business person. Before starting a million dollar KFC he had already failed as a lawyer, insurance salesman, lamp salesman and tire salesman.

[Tweet “The story of Colonel (Harland) Sanders always inspires me to never give up. #KFC”]

Your story might just inspire some others on your blog.

Otherwise, you can share other useful resources that inspired you when you were all down in the dumps and working hard to get ahead again.

You might like these these inspirational posts:

9 Famous People Who Will Inspire You to Never Give Up
9 Indian Failures Who Became Inspirational Success Stories
10 Inspirational & Successful People Who Did Not Let Failure Define Them

Share your routine outside of the business

Don’t post about blogging tips, tools, and tricks.

Yes, you read right.

Take a break and take your audience outside your business for a post or two and share your other adventures, your daily routine, etc.

You might share the following things with your audience:

  • Your daily routine
  • What sort of activities you do at whole day?
  • What are your favorite TV shows?
  • What are your favorite times to write blog post?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • Which food do you like to cook and share their recipe?
  • What sort of workouts do you like to do in gym?

There might be lots of things which you can share with your readers like Neil Patel did that in this article.


I am a big fan of Neil Patel, and I was curious to know, how does he manage to write high-quality blog posts despite being super busy.

When I found this article I was so happy. And, it inspired me to make my own daily routine be more productive.

In order to know about other successful bloggers Rand Fishkin and Noah Kagan’s daily routine, you can read this article:

A Day in the Life of The Most Successful Entrepreneurs

Final Thoughts!

It isn’t easy to stand out with 2 million blog posts unless you have something unique that attracts and engage the readers.

Blogging is challenging and don’t let repetition and boredom drag you down.

You don’t need to do any magic – all you need to mix up some spicy elements in your blogging.

Keep in mind, don’t alter everything all at once to make huge changes to your blog.

Even small and simple changes can make big differences, and it also would be easy to measure.

So, what creative tactics are you going to try first? Let me know your thoughts in the comment. 🙂

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

21 thoughts on “How To Do Creative Blogging That Hook New Readers”

  1. Hey Umesh,

    Blogging isn’t a piece of cake. You have to work hard to bring more visitors. Showing your creativity would let your reader engage more with the content.

    I like the quotes of boring content.

    Sharing your personal experience always bring a new hope to your blog.

    An informative post indeed.

  2. Hey Umesh,
    Another great post here!

    You are right, only creativity and diversity can guarantee standing out from the crowd. I already applied some of your tips here and saw difference, yet this piece inspired me with more ideas to implement.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Keep it up!


  3. Good one! Now a days making your blogging creative is very much important as it is the only thing that will attract new users. Here at you can easily find the list of various blogging, content writing, email marketing tools, check them out and

  4. Hey Umesh,
    That’s Great: Thank’s For This post, Wonderful Tutorial For Creative Blogging Method, Awesome Writing Style, It’s My First Visit Your Blog, Keep Up The Good Work,
    Have a Nice Day Ahead,
    Blog Rank SEO

  5. Blogging is not easy as it sounds. It’s a challenging career and of course interesting too. I am still learning blogging. Nice informative post though.

  6. Thanks Brother! I always admire your suggestions. Creativity is important to boost audience engagement. 🙂

  7. Hi Mukesh,

    I agree, blogging isn’t easy as it looks. We need to implement lots of things to make it successful and engaging. No one likes boring and useless content.

    Thanks for commenting. Keep visiting.

    Umesh Singh

  8. Blogging is interesting job to do, you learn a lot everyday as you read so many post and you have shared such an creative ideas blogging is what anyone can do but the main job is how to get in google’s first page and this is where your job sounds difficult BTW nice post…

  9. Thanks Price, for comment. Blogging will be only effective if your audience will love your content. If they will not read your content you will not get the result that you are expecting from them.

  10. Nice post dude, I really love the information shared here. Creativity is really important so that we much gain more loyal readers to our blog.

  11. Thanks for commenting Osho. We should understand that we are creating content for a human being not for the machine. And human will get bored if we will provide them useless and boring contnet.

  12. Hi Umesh,

    Such great information here.

    I coach many new bloggers and I will share this with them because you’ve hit some real gems.

    My favs: sharing your story, sharing your secrets, sharing your daily routine and interviewing your customers (or readers).

    These are so powerful because they really let your audience inside of your life and inside of your creative mind… it makes you different.

    As you point out, with 2 million bloggers out here… there’s gotta be a reason people will stop what they’re doing, click to your blog, read what you’ve posted and entertain completing the calls to action you’ve presented them with.


  13. Thanks Donna, your opinion always encourages me to do a better job than before. People are creating too much content, but most of them are boring and useless and they repeat same thing which has already been published millions of times.

  14. Great post with nice analogy. This is the post every beginner in blogging must refer, as you mentioned creative blogging is something which is lacking by beginners and it is funny that thy are expecting overnight success without working hard, Blogging isn’t a piece of cake unless you know how to make one. One should consider blogging as a serious career instead of making it a way for easy money.

    Great post indeed and worth reading,

    Thanks for the post, keep writing great stuff.

  15. Hi Rajkumar,

    Thanks for the nice words. I agree with you. No blogger every get the overnight success in their career they had to work hard earlier for they have today.

    We should keep doing useful blogging instead boring and useless.

    Keep visiting. 🙂

    Umesh Singh

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