Starting A Blog: 12 Things You Need To Do In First 3 Months

Tips to start a blog

Table of Contents

Whether you are starting a blog or already have started one, ignoring simple looking things could create a big obstacle in your blogging success.

I guess by now you have already read thousands of articles related to the blogging.

Whether it is how to start a blog and make money online fast OR selecting a right font for your blog.

Internet is full of blogging tips and tricks and focusing on multiple tasks will get you nowhere.

That’s one of the major reasons why most bloggers fail online.

Many start a blog for money but left blogging in their first three months because they don’t see any results.

Instead of finding the reason they blame on blogging and say:

“Blogging is dead, it is not for us.”

But here is the truth.

Blogging isn’t dead unless you have a solid blogging strategy and you stick with that.

I have listed some important actions that you need to take in your first 3 months of starting a blog to avoid failure.

What to do during your first 3 months after Starting a Blog?

Whether you are starting a blog for income or a business growth these are the actions you need to take to make your first 3 months after starting a blog enjoyable and a lot less stressful!

#1. Set your blogging goal first

Set Your Blogging Goals

First thing first.

Make sure you have decided your blogging goal before starting a blog.

I guess you already have decided your blog’s goal but in case, if you are still in decision mode.

It might help.

Following are some reasons people start a blog:

  • You want to express your thoughts and opinions
  • You want to market or promote something
  • You want to help people
  • You want to establish yourself as an expert
  • You want to connect people with mindset as you
  • You want to stay active or knowledgeable in a specific field or a topic
  • You want to make money online
  • You want to be creative and have fun

These are the common reason people start blogging, but you are always free to make your own decision about blogging.

#2. Create a blog editorial calendar

Creating an editorial calendar is not necessary for everyone but having one is great.

Building an editorial calendar for your blog not only helps reduce the stress of coming up with a fresh idea on the spot, but also keep your blogging consistent and relevant.

Creating an editorial calendar isn’t hard as you think you can make it for free using editorial calendar tools.

  • Trello – Trello is free and easy to use tool for creating editorial calendar
  • Google Docs – Free tools from Google.
  • WordPress Editorial Calendar – It’s a free WordPress plugin specially designed for editorial calendar

As your blog grows your blog editorial calendar comes in handy when tracking guest posters and sponsored post deadlines.

Download BLOG EDITORIAL CALENDAR for free. No sign up required to download this editorial calendar.

#3. Establish a social media presence on all major social platforms (but don’t hang out too much)

Sounds crazy. Isn’t it?

I can feel it. 😉

Let me explain it, why?

Hanging out on social media sites might distract you from your blogging goal.

In fact, you should avoid too much time spending on social media networks in first three months after creating a blog.

I know social media is a great tool for bloggers only if use it right.

But it doesn’t mean you spend your lots of time on social media.

However, till then you should create accounts on major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus, YouTube, Pinterest and other sites you think fits your blog.

Creating accounts on these social media networks important before you start promoting your blog posts.

#4. Find your own tribe

find your own tribe

Start building a tribe of bloggers during your first three months of starting a blog.


Because it is always good to be around with the people who have the same goals as you especially when you are a beginner.

Connecting with other bloggers will help you learn important blogging skills and avoid deadly blogging mistakes.

Your tribe members will help you in different stages of your blogging career they will give honest blogging advice you, critique your work, promote a blog post for you if needed.

In other words building a tribe mean creating an overall support system.

I have some Facebook groups(HBB(HellBound Bloggers) and Premium Tricks by IFTISEO) where blogger learns and share blogging tips and tricks with others.

These groups are a perfect place to start building your tribe.

#5. Build a rock solid community

Blogging is not just creating content and promoting out there.

It is more than that, in fact, blogging is building a community with your audiences and realizing them that you do care about them.

You might have a small readers community in first three months after starting a blog, but that’s okay.

Don’t worry about that take your time and try to get to know them and build a strong relationship with them.

#6. Start building email lists for newsletter

This is one of the deadly blogging mistakes I did in my early days of blogging.

I didn’t focus on building an email list.

But I would advise you not to do that mistake which I did earlier.

Instead, start building an email list from the day one after starting a blog.

Why do you need to focus on building an email list?

An Email list is an asset of bloggers. You don’t need to rely on Google updates to get traffic for your blog.

You can get targeted traffic anytime you want as well market your product and services to the right people.

Following are some benefits of building an email list:

  • Not every people use social media but an email
  • Email marketing is cost effective than other types of promotion
  • You get the targeted traffic from the right people
  • You send email only those who have agreed to you send them an email
  • You have 100% of your email list and you can use it as you want

In short, don’t forget to build an email list when you starting a blog and learn to avoid silly email marketing mistakes.

Create your newsletter subscription form on your blog so people can subscribe your blog.

#7. Write a great content to engage readers till last

I know, I know, I don’t need to remind you about it.

Everyone knows it he should write a great content.

Despite that many don’t know how to write a compelling content that hooks their readers and makes them stay.

In early days of blogging, many bloggers write a blog post without researching about their audience’s need.

They never try to find out the pain points of their readers and create content without invoking an emotion in it.

Make sure you don’t do this mistake. Use emotions in your blog post no matter if that is a negative emotion or a positive one.

#8. Learn how to create amazing images

Learn how to create amazing images

Images can say a lot about your article without even saying a single word.

Moreover, social media is all out pictures whether you are using Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Linkedin to promote your content.

Images are everywhere.

You don’t need to be an expert graphic designer to build eye catching images.

You can do it easily with online image editing tools and free stock photos.

Following are some free image editing tools you can use to create your own customized images.

  • Canva – Canva makes design simple for everyone. Even a beginner can create a stunning image.
  • Snappa – Using Snappa you can create professional looking images for free.
  • PicMonkey – It is an online image editing tool you can use to create awesome looking pictures for your blog post and social media.
  • Pixabay – Choose over 930000 high-quality photos, illustrations, and vector graphics for free.

Using these graphic designing tools you can create stunning images for your blog post and save your lots of time and money.

#9. Learn the basic SEO to gear up your blogging

Writing a great content and stunning images is good but results become amazing when you mix it with SEO.

SEO is a big concept and I don’t expect you to learn all about SEO during your first 3 months of starting a blog.

But at least you should know about important on page factors that improve web ranking whether you are targeting mobile users or local audience.

Additionally, you should learn how to create an optimized blog post.

Spend some time and learn how to do keyword research, creating alt tags as well as how to write SEO friendly title tags.

#10. Setup Google Analytics and Webmaster for your blog

Google Analytics and Webmaster (now Search Console) both are free tools provided by Google and important for a blogger.

Using these tools you can track your audience’s activity on your blog.

Google analytics gives you insights where visitors are coming from on your blog, what they are doing on your blog and much more.

Whereas, Search Console gives you data about website traffic, warn you about potential threats and much more.

Take the time to learn about Google Analytics and Search Console during your first three months of blogging.

Moreover, get familiar with the information it provides and try to understand how both work.

#11. Learn how to promote your content to the right audiences

promote your blog post

Last but important after starting a blog first three months invest your time to learn how to promote your blog posts to the right audience.

You won’t get anywhere if you don’t do the content promotion.

People get success with blogging because they have lots of readerships who come to their blog to read their articles.

But when you are a beginner with a bunch of subscribers, you have to get your ass up and hunt outside for potential audiences.

Here are more advanced blog promotion techniques you can use for promoting your content.

1. Ask an Influencer for a Personalized Quote – Reach out to an influencer in your niche. Tell them the topic of your content and ask if they would be willing to provide a point of view.

Here is a message template you can use:

Hi [Influencer’s First Name]

I hope things are going well. My name is [your name] and I’m from [your blog name].

I just wanted to let you know that I am publishing a new [type of content] that covers [topics of the cotent] and wanted to ask if you would provide a quote.

The [type of content] should reach many people and your quote would provide even more to people in our industry.

It would greatly appreciate if you would share your opinion on [topic of the content]. I’ll add your thoughts to the [types of content] and will share it with you before it’s published so you can look it over.

Simply respond to this email with your thoughts.

Take care,

[Your name]

2. Once your blog post is live share it on social media and mention the people you’ve referenced.

3. Email the people you have mentioned in your article so he can read, comment and share it.

Here is the template you can use.

Hi [Influencer’s First Name]

I hope things are going well.

My name is [your name] and I’m from [your blog name].

I just published a new article [your blog post list] and included a [mention, link, quote, etc.]

If you have time, I would love to hear your thoughts!

[Your name]

4. Contact people who have shared a similar article to yours. You can use Buzzsumo and Ahrefs to find these people.

5. Turn your blog post into PDF and submit it to PDF sharing sites.

6. Share your article on communities (Facebook groups, Google Plus, and LinkedIn groups)

Remember your article is useless until it gets to the right people.

To make it happen download our 23 points simple blog post promotion checklist and make your content read by the right people.

Download our easy to use FREE BLOG POST PROMOTION CHECKLIST we use for our premium clients to promote their content.

Final thoughts!

Now we have reached the end, I guess by now you have understood what steps you should take in first three months after starting a blog.

Let’s take a quick recap what we learned from this post.

  • Set a crystal clear blogging goal
  • Create a blog editorial calendar to keep your blogging on track
  • Be on all major social media platforms
  • Find your own gang of bloggers
  • Build a rock solid community
  • Start building email lists for newsletter
  • Write an amazing article that hooks readers till last
  • Learn how to create stunning images for blog posts
  • Learn the basic SEO to gear up your blogging
    Setup Google Analytics and Webmaster for your blog
  • Learn how to promote your content to the right audiences

Please leave a comment and let me know what blogging advice would you suggest people should take in first three months after starting a blog?

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Picture of Shubhanshi Aggarwal
Shubhanshi Aggarwal
Shubhanshi is a blogger at Grow With Web and an internet marketing strategist, who love to learn, share and implement new tactics of generating leads & grow business

7 thoughts on “Starting A Blog: 12 Things You Need To Do In First 3 Months”

  1. Simply Great post. In my part email marketing is strength of blogging. Thanks for giving insights with useful email template. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Hi Suresh,

    I am glad you found it useful. Email marketing is one of the powerful tool bloggers can use it. But the problem is most of the blogger ever try to building an email list.


  3. Hi Shubhanshi,
    You have done a great job. And I believe that this post I really going to be a good help for the newbie bloggers.
    Thanks for sharing.
    have a good week ahead.

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