7 High Paying Best Google Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers

best adsense alternatives

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What is the best way to make money online?

Google Adsense.

This is what people suggest to a newbie who wants to start a blog and have no idea how to make money online.

No doubt, Google Adsense is one of the best ways to monetize a blog.

…but what if your account got disabled or banned?

Believe me, it has happened thousand of times before with some of my blogger friends.

And, most of them had to lost their earnings that were left in their Google Adsense account.

It would be the worst nightmare for any blogger to get his Google Adsense banned or suspended.

[Tweet “They say, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.””]

How about if you have Google Adsense alternatives to make more money online?

I can see the smile on your face. 🙂

Well, this is why I’m here, and in today’s post, I will share with you some of the best Google Adsense alternatives that you can use to monetize your blog.

But… before we get into the detail let’s take a quick look at the conditions when you need to look for other Ad programs like AdSense.

  • Your Google AdSense account is not getting approved for some reasons
  • Your account is disabled for unknown reasons that you can’t control
  • You are not making enough money with Google Adsense
  • You’re bored with Google Adsense and now want to try some other monetization methods
  • Adsense minimum payout and payment mode don’t suit you,
    or Google Adsense isn’t supported to your niche

But the major reason you need to look for Adsense alternatives is getting Google AdSense approval.

In fact, it is a dream for bloggers.

Many of them fail to get approval or get rejected for some reason if you are one of them who have tried before but failed you don’t need to be sad.

This post will help you find alternatives for you to use and make money online.

Best Adsense Alternatives You Can Try In 2017

#1. Media.net


Media.net considered as one of the best Adsense alternatives. If you have a blog and you don’t want to show spammy and cheap ads media.net is what you need.

It is a contextual ad marketplace by Yahoo! that shows high quality and relevant ads on your site that appeal to your readers.

It doesn’t matter what niche you are in, whether it is big or small they have appropriate advertisers for your content.

With their online publisher control panel, you can monitor your ad impressions on a near real-time basis.

You can even target to the mobile users to show your ads by simply activating the Mobile Ads feature.

If you have a blog with the high-quality content chances are high your Media.net account will get approved.

Don’t wait for a second and apply for Media.net here.

#2. Infolinks


Over 100,000+ publishers Infolinks is another alternative to Adsense you can try today and start monetizing your content.

It is basically an in-text link ad network that many publishers are using to monetize their blog and earning an intense amount of profit.

However, it does not have contextual ads like Google AdSense, but still as an alternative to AdSense it worth to give it a try.

To maximize your online money earning you can use it with other ad networks.

Joining Infolinks is free and easy, you get instant approval.

Create a free Infolinks account

#3. Adversal

Adversal Ad Network
Adversal is not recommended for those who have less than 50,000 views per month.

But, if your blog is getting more than 50k views then you should be using Adversal.

Minimum payout of Adversal is $20, and you get paid after 35 days at the end of the month.

You have to wait for 3-4 days for approval after you applied for Adversal.

You can choose PayPal, wire transfer, and ACH to get payment.

#4. Chitika

Chitika Online Advertising Network

Having over 350,000+ quality publishers Chitika is also a good option as a Google Adsense alternative.

It is one of the oldest ad networks that shows over four billion strategically targeted ads every month to the users worldwide.

Two unique features of Chitika that differentiate it from other ad networks are:

First, it always places relevant ads according to your site’s content (that increases CTR.)
Second, you can change the color of text, URL, and the border anytime to make your ads awesome as they are part of your blog.

They also offer a referral program that you can use to make more money online.

Sign up for a free Chitika account

#5. VigLink

VigLink banner

VigLink is perfect for those who loves to write about business or e-commerce (commercial products).

Thier system automatically detects commercial keywords mentioned in your content and links to the advertiser’s links.

The best thing about VigLink is it runs very safe and SEO friendly ads that Google likes.

When you are using VigLink you can earn money by making affiliate sales.

Create VigLink account here

#6. Skimlinks

Skimlinks is the best alternative to Viglink and works in the same fashion.

Just like Viglink, it replaces outbound links as affiliate links and you get paid when the sales completed through that links.

Using Viglink and Skimlinks you can make more money because both pay when sales get completed not just for a click.

Sign up for a Free account on Skimlinks

#7. Revenue Hits

Compared to other ad networks Revenue Hits is a new player in the market. But it has earned a good reputation in just two years.

Revenue Hits is a Performance Ad Network, that means you get paid for results quite similar like CPA.

Revenue Hits collects data from its ads, to get better result let the ads run on your site for 3-4 days.

One more additional feature that you will like is, you can create banner ads, sliders, pop – under, buttons and more to increase your online earning.

Payment modes are wire, Paypal, and Payoneer and get payment after 30 days.

Create account on Revenue Hits

These are some of the best and popular alternatives to AdSense you can try if your Adsense account got banned or suspended.

You don’t know when you’ll get the message “Your Google Adsense account has been disabled or temporarily banned” and lost your all earning.

Don’t let you fall in that situation and monetize your website with these Adsense alternatives.

To maximize your online earning I would recommend you to use two or more ad networks.

Let me know which of the above ad network you have already used or going to use?

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

13 thoughts on “7 High Paying Best Google Adsense Alternatives for Bloggers”

  1. Hey Umesh,
    Another awesome post here!

    Indeen, the first thing a new blogger think of after setting up his blog is to place adsense ad units. Most of them start blogging with adsense earning in mind, and they lose the energy when their adsense application get rejected.

    Loved these alternatives, tried Chitika before and it worked till I managed to get adsense approval for my sites. Will consider the other alternatives when needed.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Hi Bro,

    Thanks for your comment. I see many blogger starts blogging for making money but most of them have no idea how to make money. Using these adsense alternatives they can be able to make more money.


  3. Hello Umesh Jee

    Nice and Effective articles again..i was tried Google Adsense for my website. but due to no more traffic nothing was happend.

    Now read your articles i will try again. I Think VigLink is perfect for those who loves to write about business for increase traffic.

    Thanks Again !!

  4. Hi Umesh, That was a great piece of information. Later this month i am trying to roll out a blog. I found it very informative. Didn’t knew that you had to get approved by AdSense. I will definitely use these alternatives when needed. Thanks for sharing the post.

  5. Really embarrassing article, I have tried income through online using Adsense , but couldn’t help me , hope your guidance will help me to get better income , Great

  6. Actually, I have tried all of them as Google Alternatives. But The truth is that no one competes with Adsense at all. For smaller blogs I would like to share my own experience about:

    1. Amazon Display ads: one of LOW CPM ad network.
    2. Bidvertisor and Clicksor: serve low-quality ads, so your site may be flagged as malicious.
    3. Viglink, Skimlinks, Infolinks, Chitika: Low rates. Infolinks makes blogs look too busy when they use the iframe and infold ads.
    4. RevenueHits is a SPAM ad networks. You can check it’s reputation on the internet.
    5. Adversal, Adsoptimal, Media[.]net are still BEST high paying Google Adsense alternatives for our blog. They have better designs, which provides better result next to AdSense.

    From my own blog monetizing experience, I would like to say, don’t limit yourself to any one AD NETWORK. Try other ad networks and see which one work the best with your micro-niche blog. Since you are trying the micro-niche blog, try monetizing with affiliate products. I would recommend to you & for others to try more network, and figure out which one is working best for their blog type.

  7. Hi Barkha,

    Thanks for your valuable comment. I appreciate your suggestions and I would make changes in articles. And I agree with you no one should limit himself to one ad network, we need look for other ways to monetize our blog.


  8. Hello Umesh,

    For Me there is no such great alternatives to AdSense. I have also tried media.net and it is a good alternative but your earning will drop after few weeks to zero. Media.net pays you for double click that means you paid when users click twicely on ads. Currently I am using affiliate marketing, works great for me. I am making good money from it. By the way thanks for sharing this post with us all.

    Have a great day 🙂

  9. Hi Vishwajeet,

    Thanks for the opinion. Actually Google adsense approval is not easy for newbie bloggers. Since they got their adsesne account approved till then can use any of these alternatives.

    Affiliate marketing is also a good way to make money online. In fact, we can consider it another alternatives of Adsense.


  10. Great advice! RevenueHits is a Google Adsense alternative that you can use to monetize your site.

    You’ll be instantly approved as a publisher and you can start earning in just minutes after you insert the tag into your site.

    They offer popunder, banner, footer, and other placements so that you can choose the options that work best for your audience. Use it on any type of blog including WordPress and Blogger.com blogs

  11. Hello Sir, I have learned lots of things from you blogs. I do have a

    question. I want to create a News Website So if I use VigLinks

    with Infolinks intext Ads in a same website then are they going

    to conflict with each other or they will work fine? I am eagerly

    waiting for your response.

  12. Hi Ustab,

    Thanks for the comment. There in no problem using VigLinks with Infolinks intext Ads unless you’re breaking the rules with fake traffic. These adverting sites are takes their guidelines pretty seriously.

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