5 Solid Reasons to Use Content Marketing for Business Growth

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This is the guest post by Maya Iasa.

The use of content marketing as a communication tool facilitates the marketing and distribution of the product or service.

…but why should you use Content Marketing in your company?

What are the benefits of content marketing would be if you use it for branding of your products?

Not sure, yet?

Hang on with me.

…and I will expose 5 important reasons that make you consider the implementation of content marketing strategies for the sale of your products.

5 Reasons to Use Content Marketing Strategies

#1. Interaction with brand fans

The digital world allows for a personal peer-to-peer digital experience, direct and effective treatment that becomes more engaging and therefore greater customer / fan satisfaction, before this was difficult / impossible. This also means that customers have more power and tools to promote or complain about the brand, Digital Era will force brands to give better service

In the last decades, the formats of content and distance sales have experienced a sustained growth above that of the whole of the commercial distribution (Content Marketing Association).

Of the various forms of content sales (conventional mail, catalogue sales, telemarketing, conventional media ads, content Internet marketing), content marketing on the net is the most adept.

According to a study, 56% of fans say they’re more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after becoming a fan.

content marketing benefits

Image Source: Social Media Quickstarter

The distance selling through e-commerce shows a growing tendency, especially in developed countries, influenced by the progressive trust in the services offered by the Internet and in a greater proportion of consumers who usually buy in the network.

Many companies ( Dell on computers, Amazon on eBooks, etc.) use distance selling through virtual establishments and other companies integrate it into a multi-channel strategy to complement other distribution channels that the company has.

In this way, content marketing becomes a generator of synergies when used in combination with other distribution channels.

The use of content marketing within the framework of a multi-channel strategy is especially useful for marketing a small part of the company’s business volume, where other channels do not arrive:

Products complementary and services after sales. It is very common in companies that sell machinery and equipment that use content marketing channels to market accessories and provide customer support services.

Uninteresting products for the sales force . The use of content marketing is very useful in companies where complex and expensive products coexist, requiring technical and specific explanations, with simpler ones and of little value.

The most difficult products are sold through the sales force, and the rest through content marketing.

Products in smaller segments. In the case of smaller segments, whose components are spread over a large territory or that generate a small volume of business to the company, it is likely that the use of content marketing will be more profitable than creating delegations and making sales visits.

New products.The use of content marketing to evaluate the reception of new products through small scale tests, allows knowing the aspects to improve, prior to a definitive launch.

In other occasions content marketing is used for the definitive commercialization of new products.

#2. Inflow of the public to the point of sale

Content marketing is very effective in generating traffic to an establishment and driving sales, especially at certain times of the year. The quality of content plays another important role in marketing as discussed by leading coursework writing service

It is also a powerful pressure tool that can show distributors the liveliness and importance of your brand, especially when your manufacturer is negotiating the costs of permanence in the channel.

#3. Digital is more profitable than “traditional”

With less investment it is possible to obtain greater results. “40% of companies recognize the savings they get from using digital marketing techniques to promote their products and services. 30% show an intention to allocate part of their traditional marketing budget to digital strategies.”

Its great effective impact can in some cases justify a high investment in campaigns to communicate the launch of a new product of great consumption to its potential consumers, although annual sales per household can represent very few euros or dollars.

#4. The investment in digital translates into conversions

These can be on leads , subscriptions or  sales , the marketing objective is to optimize these conversions focusing on improving  search engine positioning , developing a social media strategy  and design actions of e-mail marketing, among others. An effective strategy increases the benefits of the company.

For small companies digital marketing offers 33% more opportunities to grow your business. Large companies that use digital marketing have a 28% greater chance of generating higher revenues.

This collection of data through content marketing actions will increase the chances of success of subsequent visits by salespeople or sellers.

#5. Measuring ROI

In the digital world we can know the profitability of the investment , due to the amount of data that we can obtain and measure in real time, this generates a great difference and progress with respect to estimates of conventional advertising.

The digital marketing platforms offer very complete statistics regarding the number of clicks and results, the analytics allows to track the campaign, and even to follow up the client. Measuring the ROI of a traditional marketing strategy is almost impossible, but digital media provide data and statistics that allow you to know the evolution of the strategy and manage it based on results.

Communication of important details for the client: from birthday congratulations to notification of the expiration of a policy or the reminder of the date to make a review of equipment purchased from the company.

Take back contact with customers who have stopped buying, find out the reasons for the decision change, and encourage them to re-establish the relationship with the company.

Advertising investment in content marketing means was € 2,523.2 million (23.24% of total investment), with personalized mailing being the non-conventional medium that received the highest investment in advertising 1,881.6 million euros.

If you compare: the TV only obtained 1,815.3 million, the daily 766.3 million, the advertising in radio reached the 453.5 million, etc.

In the last decade, the importance of content marketing has grown significantly. This escalation is due to greater competitiveness, which has made it necessary to personalize the communication, and the desire of many advertising companies to measure more immediately the success of advertising expenses.

Author Bio:

Maya Iasa works for Coursework Writers which is one of the leading coursework writing services in UK. The service has years of experience in the field of academic writing coursework help and editing.
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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

1 thought on “5 Solid Reasons to Use Content Marketing for Business Growth”

  1. Hey Umesh! Kudos for this awesome blog post. Content marketing for business is a necessity in this day and age. And like you mentioned, it not only works but works quite well. The best part I find about content marketing for small businesses is that it is quite easy acquiring the customer at the initial stages of their journey, rather than competing with the big brands at the conversion stage. Content marketing levels the playing field for all businesses out there, no matter their size. The points mentioned in the post just highlight the importance content marketing offers to a business.

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