How to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes Fast

increase facebook page likes

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Facebook is undoubtedly one of the most powerful social media marketing tools available online out there.

Having 1.86 billion monthly active Facebook users, Facebook is too big to ignore and a great platform to find your targeted audiences.

If you are a blogger, you might want to create a Facebook fan page for your audiences to share you latest blog posts, products, and blogging services.

On the other hand, if you have already a Facebook page, you might need to know how to get people to like your Facebook page.

Whatever is your case, this post will help you in both ways.

Also Read: How to Download Video from Facebook

Why do I need to focus on increasing my Facebook page likes?

This question might be popping up in your mind.

Let me make it clear for you. When you create a Facebook page for your blog to share your articles with your readers, it helps you in two ways.

First, it drives you lots of targeted traffic to your blog.

Second, more people come to know about your brand when your existing fans share that articles on their Facebook profile.

Moreover, having tens of thousands of likes on your Facebook page will establish you as a brand, people will trust you and think the page belongs to a brand that cares about its reputation and audience.

They might ask you to earn money online by sharing their sponsored posts, products, and tools on your FB page.

Let’s see:

How to increase Facebook page likes easy?

When you create your first Facebook page, the first question comes to your mind is “How to get more people to like your Facebook page”?

I agree getting real Facebook likes is not easy, but also it isn’t as hard as you think. All you need to build a strategy to for Facebook page.

I see people who ask me “how to get fake likes on Facebook” because they aren’t getting any like on their page.

I can feel their pain; people often get disappointed when no one likes their page and that time they talk stupid like that.

With that in mind, I am going to share with you some easy Tips to increase Facebook page likes:

#1. Complete setup your page timeline

When you created your Facebook fan page, the first thing you need to do is upload a profile image and a professional customized Facebook cover image.

The size of your Facebook profile image should be 180X180 pixels, since, Facebook cover size should be 851X315 pixels.

Once you have uploaded the images next step is to move to the ABOUT section of your page and fill all the necessary information.

Following are the information you need to fill up:

  • Category: Select the right category that best defines your page.
  • Page Name: You will be able to change the name of your page if your page has less than 200. If your site has more than 200 likes, you must be an admin to submit a request to change your Page’s name.
  • Topics: Add up to three words that best represents your page. It will make easy for people to discover your page.
  • Start Date: It is where you specify the date you built your Facebook page.
  • Short Description: In other words meta description of your Facebook page. Write a short description about your page including all the updates and topics that you will post on it.
  • Impressum: Don’t bother yourself unless you stay in countries like Switzerland, Austria or Germany.
  • Long Description: It is the area where you can write a detailed Facebook page description in as many words as you like.
  • Website: In this section add your website address.
  • Official Page: Specify the brand’s name if your page is an official page that represents a celebrity, brand or an organization, then.
  • Facebook Page ID: It is your page’s identity.

#2. Invite your friends

Facebook provides you an option to invite your friends to like your page. You may find this option at the left side here:

Click on the “Invite Friends to Like This Page” option.

invite friends to like this page

When you click on that, a box will appear having all lists of all your Facebook friends. Invite then one by one.

This is first methods to get first Facebook likes. However, you may use it anytime you want and ask your friends to like your page.

#3. Request friends to invite their friends

When you friends like your Fan page they see “Invite friends to like this page” message.

invite your friends to like this page

Request them to invite their friends to like your page.

When asking your friends make sure you are polite.

Don’t force anyone unless he is very close to you.

#4. Build a posting schedule and to stick to it

Posting multiple times on your page is not going to help you increase your Facebook page likes unless your page is about the meme or gossips of celebrities.

User engagement automatically increases on your page once you start posting on a regular schedule.

A study found out, pages that post 1-2 times a day gets most user engagement than those who post 3+ times a day.

facebook post frequency

Note – User engagement on your posts will only increase when you will post something valuable and entertaining to your audience.

#5. Add Facebook Like Box to your blog

The easiest way to get more likes on your Facebook page is to add Like Box to your blog.

Use The Page plugin it lets you easily embed and promote your Facebook Page on your website.

It shows page feeds as well as faces of people who have liked your Facebook page.

The widget on the sidebar always provides good results.

Page Plugin

#6. Welcome your audiences with LikeBox Pop-Up

Use LikeBox Pop-Up to increase Facebook page likes if you want your audiences like your page before they start reading your article.

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox is a best free plugin to add LikeBox Pop-Up to your blog.

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

However, there is another premium plugin Facebook Traffic Pop for WordPress available that you can use to increase your Facebook fan page likes.

The plugin LOCKS out page functionality behind the popup and user will only be accessible when he likes your page.

Note: Use Facebook Traffic Pop for WordPress plugin only if when you have high-quality content.  The user wouldn’t wait unless you have a quality post on your blog.

#7. Make your friends as admins invite Friends

Don’t worry if you have a little friends circle of 500 friends.

You can make more admins who have more friends than you in their circle to get more Facebook page likes.

Go to your page setting click on pages roles and put the friend name or his email in “Assign a new Page role” whom you want to make admin of your Facebook page.

assign a new page role

It will helps you increase Facebook page likes like a fire.


Let’s see you make five admins who have 500 friends. If they all invite their 500 friends means five multiplied by 500 = 2500 friends. See this is how it works.

#8. Share trendy news and images
People show more interest in trendy news and images.

If your pages have loads of viral news and images chances are more people will like your page.

The most common reason people, unlike a brand page, is because their posts are uninteresting.

Post trendy pictures, meme, news and inspirational quotes.

Inspirational Quotes not only gets shares but also likes. People feel confident and motivated, and they want others to feel the same.

#9. Shorter posts get 23% more interaction than longer one
Writing short posts is not only works for Twitter but also on Facebook.

Keeping your posts limit under 250 characters can increase user engagement on your post up to 60%.

shorter posts

You can even go a step further and can enhance 66% more engagement if you cut down the post length under 75 characters.

It might be reason Facebook users like images more than texts.

#10. Organize a Fan-Only contest
It is one of the best ways to increase Facebook page likes like a fire.

In reality, 42% of people say they like a brand page for the coupons and discounts.

You can organize a contest or offer giveaways for your fans who like your post where you can give free domain name, hosting, discount coupons or premium blogging tools.

Make the announcement about the contest on your Facebook page, so you get more people to like your Facebook page.

Share the contest post on other platforms (social media channels, groups, emails, and on in your blog posts) to make it more popular.

#11. Find the best time to post on Facebook (It’s not when you think)

increase facebook engagementSource

You might be thinking that you already know the best time to post on Facebook.

It’s not in the morning at 10 AM when people come to their office and log in to their Facebook account.

It’s not even when they leave their office at 5 PM.

Instead, the best time to post an update on Facebook is around noon at 1:00 pm or in the late night.

The reason to post that time is there be very few posts available that time so, users have more time to go through and engage with each post.

In the same way, Thursdays and Fridays are the best days to get engagement and Saturdays for more shares.

Make the combination of both timings and days to build a perfect posting schedule on Facebook and stick to it.

#12. Use your Facebook page URL in email signature & forums

If you are a type of guy who interacts with clients every day on email, you should use your Facebook in your email signature.

Doing so will get your clients attention on your Facebook page, and they might like that too.

#13. Engage on your Facebook page and reply your fans questions

Creating a Facebook is not enough, and it won’t get likes itself unless you engage on that.

I see people often make this deadly mistake they create a Facebook page and forget.

They never visit their Facebook page or reply to their audience’s questions.

I request you, please you don’t make this mistake, If you’ll do it will send a negative message to your users, and they will think that you don’t care about them or your brand anymore.

A person who engages on his Facebook page more frequently and answers to every queries asked by his audiences manages to grow his Facebook page faster than those who don’t do that.

#14. Share Vs Share

Yes, it is something like creating a win-win situation.

Where you engage on others Facebook page in your niche and comments on their Facebook posts, in return they do the same.

Remember, when commenting on their posts make sure you’re commenting as your page instead of your personal profile.

#15. Create a sweet and short about section and URL
Facebook is getting more smarter and solely focus on user experience and has introduced Graph Search for Facebook for users.

It has indicated that the pages will be shown according to user’s interest and query.

To make your Facebook fan page search quickly over Graph Search do the following:

  • Create short URL that is easy to remember For Ex-
  • In about section use only those words which describe your business well
  • Assign a right category and community to your Facebook page

#16. Ask Twitter to help you increase your Facebook page

Yes, you heard it right. Twitter could help you promote your Facebook fan page if you use it right.

Put your Facebook page URL on your Twitter cover page.

Moreover, you can also put your Facebook page URL in your Twitter’s about us section.

#17. Use Facebook ads to increase your page likes

This is the last but powerful ways to increase Facebook fan pages likes.

If you have enough money to spend on your page promotion, then why not use Facebook ads?

Facebook always encourages users to promote their fan page using sponsored facility, where you will have the types of the option to target your fans.

You can choose audiences based on their interests, countries, genders, educations, etc.

Following are some key elements you need to consider while using Facebook ads for likes:

  • Images: Use at least three high-quality images on your ad copy.

The reason behind using three images is ads show the images which get the highest CTR and engagement. Therefore, you can stop running the ads with images that are not providing the desired result.

  • Age Group: Do some research about your target audience and find the right age.
  • Gender: Choose the gender carefully whom you are targeting. If your page is about females, your target gender should be females, not males.
  • Interests: This is where you need to use your common sense if use it right you will get the best results.
  • Location: Targeting the right location will change the game in your favor. Make sure you target the right audience of a specific location. Let’s say you have a page about South Indian Food then targeting France is not going to provide you any benefit.
  • Other Demographics: Other points you can consider while targeting audience the language they speak, their relationship status, their education, their job, etc.

Final Thoughts!

Increasing a Facebook likes isn’t hard as it looks. All you need to build a strategy to that helps you increase your Facebook page likes fast.

Using the above-mentioned tips, you can grow your Facebook page audiences faster than ever.

Once your page has good amounts of Facebook likes you can use it in various ways promoting a blog post, product or services all is possible.

Let me know what other tips you would like to suggest to increase a Facebook fan page likes fast?

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

3 thoughts on “How to Increase Your Facebook Page Likes Fast”

  1. Hey Umesh,

    For many people, Facebook will be the first place they go to find your business online. This means that your Facebook Page, much like your website, can represent the front door to your business online for both current and potential customers.

    Likes are real users who are interested in your brand, who expressed an interest in your company with a click, and who may become customers or brand advocates. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  2. Hi Amar,

    I agree with your thoughts. Facebook is a powerful social media marketing tool if use it right it provide your an amazing result.

    Umesh Singh

  3. Hi Umesh,

    Great post, thanks for sharing. Being new to blogging i certainly found facebook to be the most difficult of the social media portals to get likes and followers. I think your article has some great tips and will certainly try out the members only competition and use some admins to invite their friends. For now i’ll opt out of spending money on facebook ads and stick with the free organic method until polish off my profile page. Thanks again for the great post and you’ve got a great blog.

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