How to Get Your First 1000 Youtube Subscribers Free FAST!!

1000 Free YouTube Subscribers

Table of Contents

In today’s post, I am going share you the smart strategies that will help you get 1000 FREE YouTube subscribers within a month.

In fact:

These are the same methods experts are using to get millions of free YouTube subscribers.

…And today, I’ll show you all of them.

Let’s get started:

Why should you use YouTube?

Whether you are a blogger, marketer, or a small business owner, you can’t underestimate the power of video marketing.

Don’t believe me?

Take a look at these stats:

  • 87% of online marketers use video content according to Outbrain.
  • Including a video in email can increase click-through rate up to 200-300% (by Forrester)
  • 45.4 percent of users viewed at least one video online over a month (by ComScore)
  • 36% of online consumers say they trust in video ads according to Nielsen Wire
  • Mobile video consumption rises 100% every year according to a report published by YouTube

Impressive, isn’t it? (I told you already.)

Creating quality content is quite challenging when you don’t have writing skills like PRO blogger and technical expertise that require producing engaging content.

Video blogs are a perfect way to deal with it. It doesn’t only market your content but also connects you with your customers and ultimately increases your conversions.

The solution is simple:

Start with YouTube.

After all, YouTube is the second most popular social media site after Facebook having one billion monthly active users.

YouTube Stats

Whether it’s a video of someone performing a prank or a video of a tech expert offering a review of a gadget.

YouTube is the best platform for video consumption and making some easy money online.

Using YouTube you can make money without any investment..

4 million YouTube Videos views per day that unquestionably makes it a platform to be considered by those who are looking for some online marketing and publicity.

YouTube is the right platform for you to building a personal connection with your followers by offering the solutions that they expect from you.

You can generate massive traffic and views from YouTube if you know how to use it right.

Additional Read: How to Get YouTube Sponsor Button

Step-By-Step Guide to Get More YouTube Subscribers FREE in 2019

If you currently own a YouTube channel, the first question you might have is how to get more YouTube subscribers free fast?

Or, how can I increase the views of my YouTube videos?

You can either buy YouTube subscribers (I wouldn’t recommend that) and grow your YouTube channel OR learn how to get free YouTube subscribers.

You might already have read hundreds of article about how to get YouTube subscribers free online.

Trust me most of them are s@#t.

But, you don’t need to be disappointed.

I am not going to make you read another JUNK post.

In fact, I will share my secret recipes that will help you get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers free without even spending a single penny.

All you have to do is implement those techniques right, and you will get the result that you wish for.

Additional Read: 8 Types of YouTube Videos You Should Make (That Would Make You Viral)

#1. Build a plan (and script) for your videos

writing script

Before you move a single step on the journey of getting your first 1000 YouTube subscribers free, you have to be clear in your mind, what content you are going to provide on your YouTube channel.

Then you need a plan how would be the structure of your videos.

Just close your eyes and recall all those things you are passionate about. And choose the best task that you can do for several hours without getting tired.

Once you find your true passion, the second step is to focus on developing related skills.

Caution: Don’t try to copy other YouTubers. You may take ideas from trending YouTube channels, but copying is dangerous.

I love this quote of Oscar Wilde:

[Tweet “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”]

This phrase always reminds me of what I am capable of doing.

To improve videos performance, you must write a script.

Use online proofreading tools to proofread your script to avoid grammatical errors.

Scripts help you manage your videos efficiently and keeping you on track. Moreover, it enables you to stay on track without diverting off to an unrelated topic.

Before you start writing your video script you must keep the following points in your mind:

  • What are the pieces of information you are going to provide?
  • What actions will include in your video
  • The most important points you need to emphasize
  • Any important CTA(call-to-action) such as click on this link, subscribe to my channel, etc.

Furthermore, research about your target audience and their needs when your writing scripts for videos.

To do that you may start with the following questions:

  • Are they tech savvy?
  • Is English not their first language?
  • Are they smart enough to understand your video content?
  • What is their expertise level compare to yours?
  • What kind of videos do they prefer funny, informative, or any other formats?
  • What are the problems they are struggling with?[/su_list]

Do proper research to identify who your target audience is and then find the right language.

#2. Produce highly engaging content

I think I don’t need to tell you this but to get closer to your first 1000 YouTube subscribers free challenge.

You need to provide content that is high-quality, engaging, informative, and entertaining.

The content you are providing in your video shouldn’t lose hook at any place duration in the video, especially in the middle of the video. If it happens, it will cost you a lot of viewers.

The content that provides excellent results either is entertaining OR informative.

It is a simple but effective formula that fits in any types of content marketing.

In my experience, I have seen videos that inform and entertain, usually the most successful.

The best example of a successful entertaining video is Charlie Bit My Finger.

The 56-second-long video which was uploaded on YouTube in May 2007, has received over 868 million views.

I don’t mean that you only publish entertaining videos.

In other words, I suggest you upload a combination of seasonal and evergreen videos.

Seasonal videos will be in demand for a limited time, getting you instant hits, but there comes a time when people won’t be interested in watching them.

On the other hand, Evergreen videos are the ones that will get you massive views and will remain the same for a more extended period.

If you can’t afford a high-quality video recording camera, you can make a video using your Smartphone if it has a good quality camera.

In other words, whatever you do, make sure your videos are high quality and engaging that provides value to your audience.

Otherwise, you’ll hardly get 100 YouTube subscribers free in your first month.

#3. Stick with your video uploading schedule


I guess, this part shouldn’t be hard.

Before we discuss this point further; I have a question for you.

What makes you subscribe to a YouTube channel?

Let me answer for you.

Two possible reasons that increase a YouTube channel’s sub count are:

First, the publisher produces high-quality and engaging videos that viewers love to watch and want more videos like that.

Second, the publisher has a fix video publishing schedules that make him able to keep up with his subscribers’ demands.

Now let’s get back to the main point video uploading schedule.

Why should you stick with your video uploading schedule and how it will help you get your first free 1000 YouTube subscribers?

YouTube viewers don’t show much interest in channels that produce content occasionally.

People in the digital age have become more demanding when it comes to entertainment, information, and more knowledge.

If you want to be in the race, you have to fulfill those demands.

Consistency is the key to developing a long-lasting relationship with your subscribers.

Whatever is your video publishing schedule make sure you stick with it.

Whether you publish, videos once in a week or two in a month publish that consistently. Publishers who publish video regularly on YouTube get more views and free subscribers.

TV shows increase their viewers regularly by broadcasting every week at the same time

Avoid getting off with your schedule; it will cost you, subscribers, as well as hurt your reputation.

#4. Optimize your titles with your target keyword

If you want your videos to get noticed, you have to stand out from the crowd.

Make your YouTube videos headline outstanding and include your target keyword in it.

Make sure your videos’ name is offbeat that enhance the curiosity of your viewers to click on it. This way you’ll be able to get YouTube subscribers free fast.

To get the maximum out of it, you have to focus on YouTube SEO.

Here are some pieces of advice for optimizing your YouTube titles for a better result:

Use the keyword in the title – It should be at least 5-words long. You can use your target keyword in the title to avoid keyword stuffing. The reason to do this is, crawler don’t watch videos they read the title of the video.

Similar to a blog post title try to use your keyword at the beginning of the title.

Let’s say your target keyword is “Learn Guitar.”

You may write a title like: “Learn Guitar: How to Play it Like A PRO.”

Find the keyword that people are searching to find your video. Jump over to the Google Adwords and put your main keyword there and see what comes with high search volumes but low competition.

Make the video title descriptive.

It allows the audience to understand what the video will be about.

Avoid using useless words in the title like “Video.”

It won’t help you in any way instead cover a space.

You can also use online title generators to write video titles.

Note: Don’t use clickbait titles. It won’t help but turn away viewers from your YouTube channel.

#5. Add YouTube subscribe button watermark to your video

You can use this little YouTube trick for your YouTube channel to increase your YouTube subs.

YouTube now lets you add watermark in your YouTube video that will be visible in your videos.

It encourages viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel. Here is how the watermark looks like:

youtube subscribe watermark

To add a new watermark to your video you need to visit YouTube branding page.

YouTube watermark

You can add types of the watermark to your videos, but I’d recommend using YouTube subscribe button watermark.

One of my friends noticed tremendous subscribers growth after replacing his blog’s logo with YouTube subscribe button watermark.

You can easily find subscribe icon on Google to use it in your videos.

#6. Configure YouTube account defaults

It is another smart feature of YouTube that you can use to add a subscribe reminder in all your videos.

YouTube allows you to add default settings for all your videos. You can use this feature to ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel in all your videos.

To use this feature head over to the YouTube defaults page, and add the description that you want your audience sees when they watch your videos.

YouTube Upload Defaults

Using this feature, you can always remind your viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

You can edit or remove the description anytime you want when uploading the video to your YouTube channel.

#7. Add SML magic string to your YouTube channel

This is another magic trick to increase free YouTube subs from people who click on your channel link.

All you need to do is add (?sub_confirmation=1) behind your YouTube channel like this:



When someone clicks on your channel with SML magic string (?sub_confirmation=1), a pop up appears to subscribe your YouTube channel.

YouTube magic sml string

It cuts the diversion and let the users subscribe your channel fast.

You can use SML magic string to your channel when sharing it on social media, emails, and in your YouTube video descriptions.

#8. Customize your channel with your personal touch

If you want to leave a substantial effect on a visitor’s mind and make them trust your brand on YouTube, you have to customize your YouTube channel that provides a professional look.

See how a YouTube channel with personal touch looks like:

Brian Dean YouTube Channel

Represent yourself as a professional to your viewers they will respect and trust you.

Make sure you use the same profile image on your YouTube channel that you are using on other social profiles and blog you own.

It helps viewers to remember you easily when they see your YouTube channel.

Use a custom background header that reminds users of your blog.

Fill all the necessary information in your YouTube channel BIO.

Try to make a custom URL.

Keep it short writing BIO for YouTube channel, makes sure you add blog’s URL in the video description for providing more value.

#9. Upload a personalize video thumbnails for YouTube videos

Professional YouTube publishers create a personalized video thumbnail for each video they publish instead of using the one that YouTube randomly generates.

video thumbnail

A well-written annotation with custom thumbnail increase will increase your videos’ CTR (click through rate.)

A custom video thumbnail with short annotations lets users know what your video is all about before they click on it.

#10. Attract visitors with an engaging channel trailer

YouTube has a feature name channel trailers that automatically plays when you visit a YouTube channel.

Make sure your channel trailer has the video that attracts visitors to your YouTube channel.

You get only a few seconds to catch your audience’s attention.

The ideal channel trailer falls in between 30 seconds to 60 seconds.

The video you use in channel trailer should send a strong message to your potential subscribers and make them clear why they need to stay on your channel, and what benefit they are going to get.

Please record a short video of yourself telling people about your YouTube channel.

This is how an ideal channel trailer looks like:

You can check the viewer retention rates in YouTube’s Channel Reports, to get a quick idea of how well your channel trailer video is performing.

#11. Make use of ‘Call to Action’ annotations


You might have noticed some popups occur middle in the video while watching the YouTube videos.

Those popups are ‘Call to action’ annotations’ if you use them right you get more subscribers by forcing your visitors to click them during the video.

Many YouTubers have seen increased channel subscriptions using annotations to their videos.

Change the generic subscription text into as a call to action in your video.

Here are a few calls to action to try (and when).

The “Learn More” CTA (call-to-action) – When people are watching an informative video, they might want to find out more about that topic. Using a learn more annotations will let them subscribe to your channel for more videos like in that in future.

The “Sign up” CTA (call-to-action) – On the other hand, if you are reviewing some product that viewers find out useful.

If you don’t have an official opt-in, you can always use this point to ask viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

#12. Get the right tools for YouTube

There are lots of excellent YouTube tools available online. You can use those tools to make videos, promote your videos, and even increase your organic viewership.

The more organic traffic come to your YouTube channel the more YouTube subscribers you will get.

If you ask me for my favorite YouTube tool, I will name TubeBuddy. It is the best tool for YouTube marketing.

Here is what experts have to say about TubeBuddy:

TubeBuddy review

Using TubeBuddy, you can find more viewers, make more money, and automate your complete YouTube process.

Following are some additional tools you can use for YouTube:

#13. Allow the people to find you

YouTube provides a subscribe button for linking to your official web page if you use that right you can gain more YouTube subscribers free.

Using YouTube subscribe button, you can increase your subscription growth from other sources. Furthermore, your channel will leave a good impact on your brand on YouTube.


You’ll find an option to add your website/blog URL to your channel under the channel settings of your YouTube page.

Likewise, you may add a ‘Subscribe’ button somewhere on your blog post that is related to YouTube to drive more subscribers to your YouTube channel.

#14. Keep your video length under 5 minutes

According to a study held by Comscore in 2014, they found the average length of most videos available on YouTube was around 4.4 minutes.

Take it as a good sign if you are a beginner YouTube video blogger.

Similar to text-based articles, longer videos rank better.

So make sure your video be at least 5 minutes long in length.

I have seen longer videos outranking shorter videos in YouTube and Google search.

For instance: When I searched “Start a Blog” on YouTube. Out of seven, six videos were over ten minutes long.

YouTube video length

That’s a clear indication your video should be at least five minutes long.

If you have something valuable to say, you can make videos over five minutes; people will still like to watch it.

Though it’s hard to make videos under five minutes, its worth to try.

#15. Make an Attractive YouTube Introduction

YouTube intro works like a charm if use it right. It is similar to the entrance theme song of a WWE wrestler when he enters the ring.

The audiences know who is coming into the ring. YouTube intro does the same for your video when viewers see if he knows who’s video is about to play.

It doesn’t only helps in branding but also makes your videos more engaging.

Having an intro in video shows, you are a professional and dedicated to your work.

Furthermore, an attractive intro keeps your audiences engage with the rest of the video.

Here is an excellent example of a YouTube intro.

Similar to intro you should also use an outro and ask for your viewers’ opinions that how was the video if they like it, request them to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

#16. Edit your videos passionately

I am a big believer in perfection. I don’t publish a single post until I am satisfied with the content quality.

I am not the only one who do this, but all professionals do the same.

They don’t post a video or a piece of content until they satisfied with their work.

Once you finish with your video, give enough time to editing.


Editing takes more time than creating a video, but in the end, it pays off.

Don’t stick with your video publishing schedule if you’re unable to provide the value to your viewers.

It won’t help you grow your YouTube channel but cost you, subscribers.

Do as much as retake is possible to make a perfect video that your audience likes to watch and share.

#17. Optimize your video descriptions for SEO purpose

When you are in the way to be the fastest growing YouTube channel and getting your free first 1000 YouTube subscribers, you can’t chance to ignore the YouTube SEO especially video descriptions.

As you already know search engines don’t watch the video, but they read the video descriptions and title to identify what the video is all about.

Writing video descriptions also helps your potential viewers to know about your video content.

Similar to the title also use your target keyword in the description, but don’t do keyword stuffing.

Here is a smart video description from one of the Brain Dean’s video.

video description

Google has become smart enough in recent years to make it fool.

Don’t you dare to cheat it by inserting your keywords multiple times into the description? If you will get caught your video ranking will affect in the YouTube search results.

Thus, be wise and avoid that kind of situation and use your keyword naturally where it makes sense.

#18. Make your videos’ ending memorable

Whether you publish an entertaining video or a tech video, make sure the end of your videos stuck in your audiences’ mind just like the ending dialogue before the curtain falls.

At the end of your video ask your viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel.

Remember, they don’t know what to do after watching your video unless you tell them.

You must ask viewers to subscribe to your YouTube channel, like your videos, and share on social media.

Always try to end your video with the desire or curiosity.

#19. Create a Win-Win situation with fellow YouTubers


Promoting your YouTube channel free is possible if you connect with fellow YouTubers and ask them to introduce your channel with their viewers and return you offer the same.

Let’s say you have a YouTube channel where you review the HAIR PRODUCTS; you can look for YouTubers who are offering similar types of service on their channel such as Makeup Tips, Hair Style Tips, etc.

Offer them a proposal to introduce your channel to their audience and say in return you will do the same.

It’s like creating a win-win situation where both gets benefits of FREE YouTube channel promotion.

Don’t see fellow YouTubers as a competitor instead make them friend and get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers free as fast as you can.

#20. Engage with your loyal fans


You might have already some fans and followers on your YouTube channel. If yes, it’s time to interact with them and let them know how much you like them.

Make them realize you care about them, and they will care about you.

Often check the comments section of your videos and see what your audiences are talking about your videos, what are their questions?

Be gentle and respond to every question your viewers ask in the comment section, whether it is positive or negative.

If it is positive take it as an appreciation and if it’s negative try to learn and improve. Both will be in your favor. 🙂

#21. Offer giveaways and video challenges

youtube giveaway

Offering giveaways and video challenges is one of the creative ways to increase YouTube subscribers.

Everyone loves challenges and freebies. Doing so will add new subscribers to your YouTube channel.

You may offer one of the following freebies:

  • A new tech gadget
  • A branded t-shirt
  • A hosting subscription
  • A premium tool
  • A cool product
  • A new bike, etc.

Whatever you give away, your fans will love to participate in a challenge to win the prize for free.

Chances are high they tell their friends and relatives too about it, especially, if the price of the item is great.

When you organize big giveaway ask people to follow all of your social media profiles to enter into the contest, this is an excellent approach build fan following.

#22. Jump over other platforms to promote your videos


Social media is a powerful tool that you can use to promote your YouTube channel and gain YouTube subscribers free.

Don’t just rely on YouTube only, instead make your presence on multiple social platforms that will help you grab many eyeballs on your YouTube channel.

Make yourself available for people to find you, and be active on many major social media platforms, if your goal is to build a brand.

You should at least have a profile on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. However, you can also look for other influential social media sites such as Instagram, SnapChat, etc.

If you aren’t able to handle all the social media channels by yourself, you can use social media automation tools.

Big brands do the same they make their presence on all major social platforms possible to expand their reach to potential audiences.

#23. Ask your friends to subscribe your YouTube channel

subscribe my channel

Do whatever it takes to get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers free as quickly as possible.

You can even ask your friends to subscribe to your channel if they are interested. But don’t force them because if they aren’t interested, it won’t help you anyway.

Building a YouTube channel isn’t enough you have to go outside and hustle to make people subscribe to your YouTube channel.

When you see the subscribers’ growth on your channel, it will motivate you to work better and create better videos for your audience.

#24. Promote your other videos in the end screen

It is simple.

The more people will see your video the more chances they will subscribe to your channel.

But the problem is…

How will you make them watch your other videos?

Promote your other videos in the end screen.

Here is how it looks:

Next YouTube Video

The simple NEXT Video is a fantastic way to generate more views on your videos and increase YouTube subs.

#25. Embed your YouTube videos in Blog posts

Your blog can help you increase your YouTube channel’s subscribers, video views and shares.


Well, if someone reads what you write on your blog mean, they love your content.

And, when they see embedded video in your blog post, they are more likely to check that out. People will subscribe to your channel if they find video is valuable and informative.

Brian Dean used this trick to grow his channel pretty fast.

He embeds his videos in his blog posts where it makes sense. Sometimes just after the subheading.

Backlinko Blog

Therefore, when he sends emails to his email subscribers, they read the post as well as they see his video.

This is a smart way to your videos to the people who are more likely to subscribe to your channel.

Final Thoughts!

If you apply the tips mentioned above correctly, you will get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers within a month without paying for subscribers to grow your YouTube channel.

Here is something important you need to consider what works for others might not work for you.

Therefore, don’t copy them instead experiment with your YouTube strategy and see what works best for you and move with that.

Be loyal to your fan and your brand.

Building a successful YouTube channel isn’t easy; it takes time.

You’ll succeed but only if you’re consistent with right YouTube strategy.

What other strategies you have applied to get more subscribers on YouTube for free?

What methods would you suggest gaining more subscribers on YouTube?

Let us know how to get your channel noticed and increased YouTube followers count.

PS: If you like this post, please share it with your friends so they can also get the benefit of this article!

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Picture of Shubhanshi Aggarwal
Shubhanshi Aggarwal
Shubhanshi is a blogger at Grow With Web and an internet marketing strategist, who love to learn, share and implement new tactics of generating leads & grow business

25 thoughts on “How to Get Your First 1000 Youtube Subscribers Free FAST!!”

  1. Hey Shubhanshi,

    You nailed it.:)

    YouTube is one of the most effective and wanted video platforms which is the home for most of the adults. People spend most of their time watching videos instead of reading.

    Yesterday, I read a post similar to this topic which was quite good but you have elaborated it. Brian is the man with multi talents. He knows how to forge relationships and engage his readers.

    I like the quote you have used about consistency.

    Thanks for such a wonderful guide.

  2. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks a lot for your kind words, it means a lot for me.

    Yeah, that’s true people prefer watching videos more than reading.

    I Would love to see that post too (which you were reading yesterday). Hopefully, I would get some more knowledge about YouTube from that post.

    Soon, Brian Dean is going to launch his course about YouTube. 🙂

    Once again thank you for spending your valuable time in reading my post. I appreciate it.


  3. Hello, Shubhanshi!

    Excellent work you put in!

    I was neglecting YouTube from long but it shouldn’t be no more as I have plans to get on it. 🙂

    TubeBuddy does seem like a good tool to try! I will surely check it out.

    As for the YtouTube, I am finding a lot of efforts being made by the fellow bloggers to get on the video and extend the reach.

    Some are purely into vLogging and some are taking advantage of YT to transform their blog posts into the video as well as share out usefulness.

    I can simply imagine the great effort it took from you to craft this awesome content!

    Good work! 🙂

    ~ Adeel

  4. Hello Adeel,

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I appreciate it.

    I am glad to know that you found it useful. Looking forward to seeing your YouTube Channel soon.

    Would also love to hear TubeBuddy reviews from you.

    Thanks once again. 🙂


  5. Hey Jagdish,

    I appreciate you for spending your valuable time in reading my post. Thanks for that buddy.

    I’m glad you like my post 🙂

    Thanks once again,

  6. Hey Shubhanshi,

    In these days, YouTube is the most popular video sharing website, on which users can upload, view and share videos.YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. Every business has an audience on YouTube and because of that YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform to deliver your messages with video ads.

    Hosting video and images on your webpages will improve the overall quality of your site, as well as entice visitors to stay longer. This in turns gives you a better chance of ranking higher than your competitors in search engine results. Eventually, thanks for revealing a light on this topic.

    With best wishes,

    Amar kumar

  7. What an awesomely written article Shubhanshi Aggarwal 🙂

    I am sure after reading this wonderful peace any YouTuber can improve their quality of content and can excess it’s views stats linearly !

    You’ve made value to this article and itself the content speaks you’ve done a great hardwork. Appreciate your work and it’s really worth sharing 🙂

  8. Thanks for writting such a great content. This article was very helpfull, I really appreciate you for this good content, Helped me a lot. Thanks Again!

  9. If you are trying to get free subscribers on YouTube. You will face problem while attempting any tools to get free subscription because it is worthless. The question is how you will increase your YouTube channel subscriber. it’s also happened with me but one of my friend who tell me about ECIR pro service and as of know i am using this service its helpful for me get more subscriber on daily basis.

  10. Make quality videos that give reason people to subscribe your channel. Either it should be informative on entertaining but there should be a trigger point in videos.

  11. Excellent content, it’s very helpful!! Thank you for sharing such a nice and easy to read & understandable article . Your blog is thoroughly amazing and illuminating.Looking forward to your next insights!!!

  12. Hey Subhanshi,

    I am agree with your ideas, Thank you for such a well-written article to get free youtube subscribers. It’s full of insightful information and entertaining descriptions. Your point of view is the best among many.

  13. Hey shubhaansi I thought that u r sister of harsh agrawal but I wrong. My question is that are u having Ur own YouTube channel??

  14. #1 Apply Directly to Your Audience to Subscribe.
    #2 Use Resources to Encourage Subscriber Sign-Ups.
    #3 Take Advantage of Your Watermark Branding.
    #4 Add a Call to Subscribe on Your End screen.
    #5 Use an Auto Subscribe URL.
    #6 Use a Pinned Comment to Ask for Subscribers.
    #7 Add a Subscribe CTA to Your Video Description.

  15. Thanks for sharing important and essential tips for getting first 1000 subscribers. I have a YouTube channel and from today I will follow your instructions for growing up my YouTube channel and hopefully your tips work for my YouTube channel.

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