8 Types of YouTube Videos You Should Make (That Would Make You Viral)

make youtube video viral

Table of Contents

This is the guest post by Katherine Lane.

Level up your videos! With the right content and strategy, waiting for a lengthy period of time before you increase YouTube views is no longer applicable.

Make your YouTube videos viral.

Today, over 1 billion internet users globally spend an average of 15 to 25 minutes browsing and watching click-worthy videos on YouTube.

Whether the purpose is for information, entertainment, or both, the free to access content is truly beneficial. YouTube, as an effective social media platform, has become huge in the past few years since it started 10 years ago.

Statistics show that YouTube has 490 million unique visitors worldwide with a generated estimate of 92 billion page views per month as of February 2011.

What’s even more interesting is that a typical YouTube user spends as much as 5 hours and 50 minutes each month.

Thus when computed, together, we spend 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in one month. From 2015 to 2016, the amount of time the users consume on YouTube channels increased by 50%.

If the audience is that massive, online video marketing will further increase web traffic, which is beneficial for businesses or individuals who have something interesting to share.

1. How to/Tutorial

how to tutorial

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOB5UFaFd_s)

More than 90% of internet users watch this type of YouTube video. People need to learn sort of things, but going through the steps manually may be time-consuming.

How-to-cook videos, for instance, could save people from going through the hassle of buying a cooking book or enrolling in a cooking class.

All it takes now is just a click away. In the same manner that computer-related or technical tutorials keep smartphone users from hiring an IT expert.

Tutorials come from make-up, workout, carpentry to installation processing on your computer— anything under the Do-It-Yourself category helps you boost YouTube views and increase free YouTube subscribers. Depending on your field of expertise, put your skills into use by making this type of video.

2. Product Reviews

product reviews

(Source: http://viralglider.com/iphone-7-review-already-viral/)

This is an in-depth discussion of the features and specifications of the product. YouTube users want to know honest reviews before buying the product, so make sure you demonstrate the functions well.

A Google Millward Brown CE 2014 study shows that 64% of electronic consumers watch video reviews before deciding which electronic product is worth purchasing.

Similar to unboxing video, this goes viral easily because YouTubers turn to this type of category for shopping inspiration. In fact, the review on iPhone alone has reached approximately 1.5 million views with 125k engagements.

3. Dance to the rhythm

What makes dance video viral and a potential ‘dance craze’ is its engaging beat and easy to remember moves. No YouTuber would not have viewed dance crazes that went viral such as, Gangnam style, Harlem shake, Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen, and Baby Shark, to name a few.

Most often, the weirder yet funny the dance video is, the more it becomes a trend and gets to be imitated by people.

Such videos are also usually featured by traditional media; thus, music owners get to earn extra for copyright purposes and even reach wider publicity. You can easily add music to video now and create a viral video using a good video editing tool.

dance to rythm
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZsoesa55w)

If you are skilled in dancing, you might as well consider covering the dance crazes and watch your videos increase YouTube views.

4. Vlogs

To increase YouTube views, why not vlog about the things you are passionate about? One of the most popular and easiest to maintain is the video blogging.

All it requires is for you to have something interesting to share or talk about and build a connection with your audience. Just like web blogging, a vlog is often personal; therefore, the target audience belongs to the group who can relate to each other.

Vlogs come in the form of travel, life lessons, personal experiences, advocacy awareness, and such. They are too diverse as there are just too many topics or issues to be discussed.

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmiYfqyzciI)

Successful vloggers are passionate about what they are doing, and YouTube viewers can see that through the substance of the video. They also inspire, strengthen, and motivate their audience, which eventually becomes their YouTube fans.

5. Comedy/Skit

comedy video
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WP74lxaYiRA)

When there is entertainment, there is an audience. A good sense of humor is important in this type of popular YouTube video for it to go viral.

Comedy or skit videos come in the form of pranks, fun moments associated with spontaneous entertaining lines and witty editing.

If an impromptu or improvised skit is still not your thing, it is best to start with a plan. Write your script and storyboard as your guide for the flow of your video output.

6. Video essay

Video essays are informative and educational.

Technically, you write an essay about a certain topic, voice-over it, and edit clips and footages relevant to the discussion. You can use a free video editor to edit your video clips and add visual content to make it look professional and attractive.

Students specifically find these videos helpful because they get to learn while listening to a voiceover that sounds credible at the same time watching the visuals.

video essay
(Source: http://www.feadmedia.com/2017/08/10/live-video-takeover-brands-can-incorporate-marketing-strategy/)

The complexity of social media marketing, for example, becomes more effective when explained through video essay. In just 2 – 3 minutes, one can already grasp the importance of web content writing, SEO, web designing, video marketing, and such.

With the constant demand of digital marketing for businesses nowadays, uploading video essays on your YouTube channel definitely boost views.

7. Video gaming

Gamers make money too — in fact, millions of money annually. The gaming videos have taken over the 14.8% of the leading 570 million videos on YouTube. This is how big their community is on the media platform.

gaming video
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCtReESXtc8)

If you are a gamer, start looking up things that will make your content unique among the other gaming videos to increase YouTube views.

Instead of producing a video for games already recorded by popular YouTubers or competing with others by recording recently-released games, you may prefer FTP (series) online games and flash games instead.

The good thing about video gaming on YouTube is that you are in one community, thus globally interconnected.

8. Reactions and Commentaries

Producing reaction and commentary videos does not require much. You just have to share a fair and honest opinion, constructive criticism, or a simple review about a book, movie, or the latest episode of an ongoing series.

Talk about what’s trending so that internet users can find your video easily and share it to other social media platforms to boost YouTube views.

Some YouTubers include their live reaction while watching a portion of the movie or an episode, and then give a comment afterward.

video content

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua4K5OyA7cQ)

Author Bio:

Katherine Lane is a content writer for Buy Real Marketing whose expertise is focused on YouTube Marketing. With her expertise, she understands the essence and importance of such. Thus, integrating her skills in the field of content writing to help individuals and businesses that are into YouTube niche. You can follow her on Twitter

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

9 thoughts on “8 Types of YouTube Videos You Should Make (That Would Make You Viral)”

  1. Hello everyone,

    Thank you for reading! I hope this has been informative and insightful on your part.

    Don’t get left behind and start working now on your videos! 😀

  2. Hello
    Very informative post you have written here. Youtube is also one of the best way to show your skill to the world and also best way to earn money. Great to know that over 1 billion internet users globally spend an average of 15 to 25 minutes browsing and watching click-worthy videos on youtube.

    This is that I was searching for a long time that what type of youtube videos we should make to make viral.

    Thanks for sharing your great idea to make youtube videos.

    Best wishes,
    Praveen verma

  3. I already am a YouTuber, but reading your entire article gave me a new idea to increase the views of my YouTube Channel. I am going to start reading essays and uploading them on my channel. This will for sure increase the views and bring a good amount to traffic for my website too.

    I’ll voiceover the Essay on YouTube and the written article can be found on my website.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Syed Usman Haniel

  4. Hi Syed,

    That’s a great idea! Knowing what type of video you’ll make is already a great advantage. You just have to work on it and in no time, you’ll be successful.

    Good luck!

  5. A Very nice informative Post, I’ve trying to make a youtube channel but was confused where to start and what types of videos works well on Youtube. Now, I’ve got the right direction and also got my youtube video types. Thanks guys keep it up!

  6. Hey Umesh Singh! I read about youtube videos.Nice tips. I really like it .The way of your writing is very amazing and impressive. You write such a quality blog.Its very interesting. I will also share it with all my friends…..keep posting. Best wiches.

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