HostiServer Review: Best Managed Hosting Solution for Website

HostiServer Review

Table of Contents

You want to build a website but confused what web hosting should you use, right?

There are several hosting providers who provide free, paid, shared, and dedicated hosting solutions that you can use for your website.

However, there are other hosting solutions also such as virtual private servers (VPS) or cloud hosting that you can use too.

But, if you’re a one man army who don’t have technical knowledge or time to monitor server activities then, better you go with managed web hosting solution.

HostiServer is a great choice when you are looking for a professional managed web hosting service.

What is HostiServer?

HostiServer is a managed web hosting solution that does all heavy lifting for you. In other words, it takes care of all the server operation that you don’t have to.

HostiServer is great choice for those who don’t have the knowledge to setup server space that is essential to run their online business. It is even helpful when you are super busy and don’t have time to do the server tasks.

Features of HostiServer

  • You get up to $150 bonus while signup first time
  • Fully managed hosting services 24/7
  • Website speed optimization
  • Real-time monitoring
  • 15-days hosting money-back guarantee

Why you should use HostiServer?

HostiServer is reputed hosting provider that is known for its tailor-made web hosting solution. They have dedicated support team who is always ready to help its users.

They offer four types of managed hosting solution for your business.

  1. VPS Hosting
  2. Dedicated Servers
  3. AnyCast CDN
  4. Online Server Backup

Managed VPS Hosting

Managed VPS Hosting

HostiServer provides a powerful managed VPS server hosting that includes:

  • Ongoing Support
  • Website Acceleration
  • Unlimited Backup
  • Real-time monitoring

You don’t need to worry about tech stuff once you started using HostiSever VPS. They take care of everything so you can focus on your business growth. Their VPS is super flexible and automatically upgrade/downgrade the speed of your website to keep it at a pace.

They offer real-time monitoring that ensures everything on server performance going right. They have different VPS pricing plans:

Managed VPS Hosting Pricing Plan

Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

Managed Dedicated Server

HostiServer provides a powerful managed dedicated server hosting that includes:

  • Ongoing support
  • Website acceleration
  • Unlimited backup
  • Real-time monitoring

They are known for their unmatched hosting service. They provide high-end experience for your online business that keeps you ahead of your competitor even when you have lots of workloads.

Their support team makes sure you have a professional hosting environment and ensure you have the highest performance of your project.

HostiSever known for its data security that means your data is secure when you are using HostiSever dedicated hosting service.

They have different pricing plans that you can use as per your requirement:

Managed Dedicated Server Pricing Plan

AnyCast CDN

HostiSever anycast CDN ensures your website have super speed, performance and global reach so you can make money online.

Highest speed makes your audience happy when they visit your website. Even search engine have announced they love the website who loads faster and increase that website’s ranking.

They are offering 30 days free trial if you’re still in doubt whether you should Anycast CDN or not. Here is the CDN pricing plan of HostiServer:

Anycast CDN Pricing Plan

Online Server Backup

HostiSever provides rock solid scalable storage for secure data backup and recovery. Their reliable and easy-scalable online backup solution ensures your online data-safety. Their backup-servers are enabled with enterprise grade drives in RAID.

Their support team manages a dedicated time to data backup according to your needs. Best part your website doesn’t affect while taking backup of your website data.

You can take backup any types of data including disks, directories, database, etc.

Here is the pricing plan of data backup:

Online Backup Pricing Plan

Customer Support

HostiServer has a dedicated support team of professionals. They make sure you don’t have to do anything on your own when you are using HostiServer managed hosting service.

They have their own data center from where they control everything. To provide you highest uptime they have connected their network with Tier-1 carriers.

They promise they will take care of everything and you need not to worry about it.

Here is the diagram to understand their working style.

HostiServer Support

Final Words

If you are fan of managed website hosting then HostiServer is worth considering. Their custom built hosting solution makes sure you keep ahead of your competitors without worrying about server issue.

HostiSever provides customized hosting solution therefore, if you have small website you can get hosting service according to that.

Now it’s time to take the assistance of hosting professionals who understand online business challenges and optimize the website that help you beat the market.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

3 thoughts on “HostiServer Review: Best Managed Hosting Solution for Website”

  1. Hi,
    This must be the longest article to read but for somebody who is practicing , its worth it.
    I think you have just nailed it and to some of us, most of of these are still a mystery , we don’t totally get some of these facts.


  2. Hi,
    This must be the longest article to read but for somebody who is practicing , its worth it.
    I think you have just nailed it and to some of us, most of of these are still a mystery , we don’t totally get some of these facts.


  3. wow, that’s a great information… I really found this shows how good knowledge you have about a particular subject…keep up the good work…

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