93 Blogging Statistics and Facts for (Updated for 2024)

Blogging Statistics and Facts

Table of Contents

Blogging is changing fast in 2024.

New technology and how people read blogs are different now.

This post will show you the latest statistics and numbers about blogging. We’ll talk about where blog visitors come from, who they are, what kinds of posts work best, and how bloggers make money.

Whether you’re a blogging expert or just starting, these stats will help you improve your blog.

Ready to learn the coolest blogging facts for 2024?

Let’s dive in!

Top Blogging Statistics

Here are some cool facts about blogging you should know:

content is king
  • Content is King: 71% of marketers believe content marketing is more important now (Content Marketing Institute).
  • Blogging Rise: With over 600 million blogs worldwide, it’s a bustling digital landscape (Web Tribunal).
  • Blog Readership: 77% of internet users still enjoy reading blogs (Social Media Today).
  • Youthful Audience: Surprisingly, almost 26% of kids in the U.K. aged 5–18 are blog readers (Statista).
  • Word Count Impact: Shorter blog posts (up to 1,000 words) tend to attract more backlinks (Ahrefs).
  • Lengthy Posts: However, longer posts (up to 2,000 words) garner more organic traffic (Ahrefs).
  • Blogging Success: 80% of bloggers achieve impressive marketing results (Orbit Media).
  • Consistent Posting: Regularity pays off, with half of bloggers posting weekly or multiple times monthly (Orbit Media).
  • Quantity Equals Quality: Bloggers who post frequently tend to see the best results (Orbit Media).
  • Visual Impact: 74% bloggers use 1-3 images per post, while 2% bloggers adds 10 or more (Orbit Media).
  • Share First, Read Later: Shockingly, 59% of social media links are shared without prior reading (Chicago Tribune).

General Blogging Statistics

What’s happening in the world of blogging in 2024? Here are some surprising facts:

WordPress powers over 43.2 of the internet
  • WordPress Dominance: Over 43.2% of the internet is powered by WordPress (W3Techs).
  • Content Creation: About 70 million new posts are published on WordPress every month (WordPress).
  • Engagement: WordPress posts receive 77 million new comments monthly (WordPress).
  • Blogging Platforms: Tumblr hosts over 518 million blogs, while WordPress has over 60 million (Web Tribunal).
  • Global Output: Worldwide, 3 billion blog posts are published each year (GrowthBadger).
  • Active Bloggers: In the U.S. alone, over 31 million bloggers post at least once a month (Statista).
  • Consumer Patience: More than half of consumers will abandon content if they encounter issues viewing it (Adobe).
  • Content Consumption: 44% of buyers typically read three to five pieces of content before engaging with a vendor (Demand Gen Report).
  • Industry Growth: From 2023 to 2027, the global content marketing industry is expected to grow by $584.02 billion (ReportLinker).

Blogging Revenue Statistics

Curious if bloggers really make money? Here are some eye-opening facts:

  • Earning Methods: Most bloggers make money with Google AdSense and affiliate marketing. However, top earners often sell their own products or services instead of relying on AdSense (GrowthBadger).
  • Main Income Sources: Ads, affiliate products, sponsored reviews, personal product sales, and online courses are the biggest income sources for bloggers (RankIQ).
  • High Income Strategies: 45% of bloggers earning over $50,000 per year sell their own products or services, compared to only 8% of those making less (GrowthBadger).
blogging income
  • Ad Management Preference: Successful bloggers earning $2,000 or more per month typically use Mediavine or AdThrive for managing their ads (RankIQ).
  • Most Profitable Niche: Food blogs top the list for profitability, with a median monthly income of $9,169, making them the highest-earning niche (RankIQ).
  • Traffic Heavy Niches: The food, lifestyle, and travel niches have the highest percentage of blogs with over 50,000 monthly visits, at 42.8%, 13.3%, and 10% respectively (RankIQ).

Blogging Challenges Statistics

Is blogging still worth it? What are the challenges bloggers facing in 2024. Here are some stats:

  • Engagement Concerns: Posts with a reading time exceeding seven minutes often experience a drop in engagement (Medium).
  • Content Marketing Obstacles: Lead generation and ROI measurement are the top challenges for content marketers (Siege Media).
  • Time Management Struggles: Half of bloggers find it challenging to allocate time and attract visitors to their blogs (Orbit Media).
  • Skimming Behavior: A whopping 73% of readers admit to skimming through blog posts, while only 27% read them thoroughly (HubSpot).
  • Article Length Preference: Majority of readers (75%) prefer articles under 1,000 words, posing a challenge for longer-form content (Contently).

Blog Content Insights

With rise of AI writer and Google’s helpful update, bloggers need to create high-quality content. Here are some statistics on blog content and quality:

blog writing time
  • Writing Time: On average, it takes nearly 4 hours to craft a blog post (Orbit Media).
  • Time Investment: Bloggers who dedicate over 6 hours to an article often see strong results (Orbit Media).
  • Optimal Length: The average blog post spans 1,427 words, with only 3% regularly exceeding 2,000 words (Orbit Media).
  • Longer Posts, Better Results: Blogs with longer posts are more likely to provide strong outcomes (Orbit Media).
  • Educational Focus: A majority (76%) of bloggers prioritize publishing educational content (Orbit Media).
  • Visual Integration: A quarter of bloggers incorporate video content into their posts (Orbit Media).
  • Research Emphasis: Nearly half (47%) of bloggers conduct original research for their content (Orbit Media).
  • Editorial Assistance: The number of bloggers working with editors has nearly tripled since 2014 (Orbit Media).
  • Impact of Investment: Businesses investing over $4,000 per post are more than twice as likely to consider their strategy very successful (Siege Media).
  • Interactive Content Trend: Over 62% of content marketers are using interactive content into their strategies (Siege Media).

Blogging SEO Insights

SEO is important when doing blogging. Make sure your blog is optimized for search engine optimization with these SEO statistics:

  • Starting Point: 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine (BrightEdge).
  • Traffic Reality: Shockingly, 96.55% of pages receive zero organic search traffic from Google (Ahrefs).
  • Low Traffic Pages: Only 1.94% of pages get between one and ten monthly search visits from Google (Ahrefs).
  • Top Ranking Page: Surprisingly, the top-ranking page gets the most search traffic only 49% of the time (Ahrefs).
  • Link Building Impact: More websites linking to a page mean more search traffic and better ranking (Ahrefs).
  • Ranking Challenges: Just 5.7% of pages rank in the top 10 search results within a year of publication (Ahrefs).
  • Keyword Rich Pages: Bloggers focusing on keywords are more likely to succeed (Orbit Media).
  • Traffic Source: 66% of bloggers drive traffic to their content through SEO (Orbit Media).
  • Content Updating: 74% of bloggers update old content, emphasizing its importance in SEO strategy (Orbit Media).
  • Keyword Density: Interestingly, there’s no link between readability scores and ranking positions (Ahrefs).
  • Content Attracts Links: 68% of SEOs use content to attract links. (Aira)

Blogging and Social Media Insights

Learn how bloggers use social media to promote their content with these stats:

  • Social Media Promotion: 92% of bloggers drive traffic to their content through social media (Orbit Media).
  • Video Dominance: Short-form video is the top content marketing format, offering the highest ROI according to 31% of content marketers (HubSpot).

Blogging and AI Trends

How bloggers are using ChatGPT and AI writing software for various tasks with these insightful statistics:

AI writer use in blogging
  • AI for Idea Generation: 43% of bloggers use AI to generate ideas for their content (Orbit Media).
  • Headline Writing: 29% of bloggers rely on AI to craft catchy headlines (Orbit Media).
  • Outlining Assistance: 28% of bloggers use AI to create outlines for their posts (Orbit Media).
  • Drafting Support: 21% of bloggers use AI to generate first drafts of their content (Orbit Media).
  • Editing Suggestions: 22% of bloggers utilize AI to suggest edits to their drafts (Orbit Media).
  • Visual Creation: 6% of bloggers employ AI to create visuals for their content (Orbit Media).
  • Email Marketing: 9% of bloggers use AI to compose promotional emails (Orbit Media).
  • Social Media Promotion: 17% of bloggers rely on AI to write promotional social media posts (Orbit Media).
  • Success Comparison: Interestingly, bloggers who use AI are not necessarily more successful than those who don’t (Orbit Media).
  • Consideration for AI Adoption: Over half (57.2%) of content marketers have thought about replacing their resources with AI (Superpath).

Guest Blogging Statistics

Guest blogging is still one of the best link building strategies to build high-quality links.

Popular Strategy: Nearly two-thirds (64.9%) of link builders use guest blogging as their primary link building strategy (Authority Hacker).
Cost Analysis: The average cost of publishing a paid guest post is $77.80 (Ahrefs).
Outreach Efforts: Half of bloggers perform outreach for guest posts to 10 or fewer contacts a month, while 7% pitch to 100 or more blogs monthly (Referral Rock).
Frequency of Guest Posting: 60% of bloggers write one to five guest posts per month (Referral Rock).
Idea Generation vs. Writing: While 87% of bloggers come up with guest post ideas themselves, only 52% actually do the writing (Referral Rock).

Travel Blogging Statistics

Explore the world of travel blogging with these fascinating statistics:

Multi-Blog Runners: A majority (59%) of travel bloggers manage more than one travel blog.
Online Travel Planning: Over 80% of travel planning happens online, and it’s on the rise.
Travel Advice Source: One-third (33%) of US travelers rely on travel blogs for advice.
Blog Age: The majority of travel blogs are relatively young, ranging from 1 to 4 years old.
Income Sources: Most travel blogs earn income through publication and sponsored posts.
Sponsored Post Rates: The average travel blogger charges around $200 per sponsored post.
Advertising Revenue: A significant portion (94%) of travel blogs sell advertising space.
Traffic Sources: Non-brand search drives most of the traffic to travel blogs, with direct traffic trailing behind.

Blogging With Visuals and Videos Stats

Boost your blog with visuals and videos using these compelling statistics:

  • Visual Appeal: Articles with images attract 94% more views compared to those without visuals.
  • Visual Marketing: A majority (71%) of bloggers incorporate visuals into their marketing strategy.
  • Authenticity Matters: Using photos of real people instead of stock images can boost conversions by 35%.
  • Video Demand: Nearly half (43%) of consumers are increasingly seeking video content from marketers.
  • Rising Video Usage: About one-fifth (19%) of bloggers are now integrating video into their typical posts.
  • Audio Integration: Adding audio, such as podcasts, to posts improves results for 45% of bloggers.
  • Search Traffic Boost: Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic compared to plain text.
  • Visual Content Preference: Visual images are considered the most important form of content for businesses by 32% of marketers.

Blogging Statistics for Marketers

Blogging is great for making money online but – does it help marketers? Here are some of the blogging stats for marketers:

  • ROI Boost: Marketers prioritizing blogging are 13 times more likely to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI).
  • Content Collaboration: 61% of highly effective B2B content marketers meet with their content team regularly.
  • Outsourcing Trend: A majority (64%) of B2B marketers outsource blog copywriting.
  • Automation Investment: Spending on marketing automation tools is projected to reach $25.1 billion annually by 2023.
  • Personalization Focus: 60% of marketers have a documented strategy for personalizing content.
  • Customer Acquisition: More than half (57%) of marketers have acquired customers directly through blogging efforts.
  • Content Priority: 53% of marketers prioritize blogging as their top content marketing strategy.
  • Lead Generation: B2B marketers with blogs generate 67% more leads than those without.
  • Content Recycling: Around 60% of marketers repurpose blog content 2-3 times for various purposes.
  • Engagement Challenge: Despite its importance, 60% of B2B marketers struggle with creating engaging content.

How To Ensure Your Blog Stays Relevant

The world of blogging is crowded. With more people joining every day, standing out is tough.

In fact, 80% of bloggers fail within 18 months and 90% of website never gets traffic from Google.

The best part is…

…being a successful blogger isn’t tough either.

You just need to stick with the basics of blogging and these are:

  • Create high-quality content for users (search engine will love it.)
  • Update old published content with fresh information.
  • Optimize your blog for SEO.
  • Avoid false promises (you might get succeed one time but you’ll lost your audience for forever.)
  • Use lots of useful visuals, videos, etc.
  • Focus on user-experience and make your blog skimmable.

Keeping these little things in mind will help you create a successful blog. If you’ve never started one – checkout this simple guide on how to start a blog from scratch.

Final Thoughts!

Blogging is still worth it – and alive. People out there are making money online with their blog.

But… what they are doing different with others is – they are keeping their blog updated with latest trends and insights.

If you want to make you blog successful – you need to learn about blogging stats and tailor your blogging strategy according to that.

If you enjoyed this post – they share it with your friends whom you want to see a successful blogger.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.