Etsy Success to Online Growth: How an SEO Expert Boosted a Custom Metal Sign Shop’s Growth

Etsy Success to Online Growth With SEO

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As the SEO consultant behind the transformation of, I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing firsthand how a thriving business can break through digital barriers. While MakerTable was already successful on Etsy, they faced challenges in replicating this success on their website.

The goal was clear: grow the online presence and diversify revenue streams beyond Etsy. This is the story of how we tackled these challenges together and achieved remarkable results.

The Struggle To Sell Personalized Metal Signs Outside Of Etsy was not a struggling business by any means; their Etsy shop was booming with a steady flow of customers seeking unique, personalized metal signs. However, their website lagged behind, failing to capture the same level of engagement and sales. The reliance on Etsy posed a risk, as it left the business vulnerable to platform changes and competition.

The website, built on Shopify, faced several issues: slow site speed, poor Core Web Vitals scores, particularly Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and a complex product catalog that was difficult for users to navigate. The need for an overhaul was evident, and that’s where I came in.

The Decision to Hire an SEO Consultant

The team at MakerTable understood the importance of not putting all their eggs in one basket. They wanted to establish their website as a significant revenue channel, independent of Etsy.

After discussing their needs and reviewing my past work, they chose to work with me, Michael McDougald a Nashville SEO Consultant, to lead the SEO efforts. With a strong background in SEO and a particular focus on helping businesses in Nashville and Sarasota, I was well-equipped to tackle their challenges.

Implementing an SEO Strategy

Initial Assessment and Goals

Our first step was a thorough audit of the site. Using tools like Ahrefs, Google Ads Keyword Planner, and my new favorite,, we identified key areas for improvement. SEOArcade was particularly helpful in providing keyword suggestions and helping us make revenue projections. Our goals included reducing the site’s load time, improving CLS, and reorganizing the product catalog for better user experience and search engine optimization.

Overcoming Site Speed and CLS Issues

Site speed and CLS were major pain points. We spent considerable time optimizing the Shopify theme, compressing images, implementing lazy loading, and addressing script issues that caused layout shifts. These changes not only improved the user experience but also positively impacted our SEO performance, as Google’s Core Web Vitals became a ranking factor.

Catalog Cleanup and Keyword Alignment

The product catalog needed a significant cleanup. We streamlined the collections, consolidating products under more targeted categories that aligned with commonly searched keywords. This involved detailed keyword research to ensure that we captured terms with high search volume and relevance. The process also included rewriting product descriptions to incorporate these keywords naturally, improving both SEO and the clarity of the offerings.

Results and Growth

Traffic and Ranking Improvements

The results of our efforts were impressive. Within a few months, saw a substantial increase in organic traffic, with key pages ranking higher for target keywords. Our work on site speed and CLS not only improved user satisfaction but also led to better rankings, as evidenced by a marked improvement in Google Search Console metrics.

Conversion Rate Boost

One of the most gratifying outcomes was the increase in conversion rates. With a faster, more navigable site and better-targeted product collections, customers found what they were looking for more easily, leading to higher sales. The site’s newfound success also reduced the company’s reliance on Etsy, providing a more balanced revenue stream.

Brand Authority and Recognition

Our SEO efforts extended beyond just optimizing the site. We worked on building the brand’s authority through guest posts, partnerships, and content marketing. started to gain recognition not just as a seller on Etsy but as a standalone brand with a strong online presence.

Lessons Learned and Future Plans

Importance of Continuous SEO Efforts

This journey highlighted the importance of continuous SEO efforts. As search algorithms and user behaviors evolve, so must our strategies. We plan to keep refining our approach, experimenting with new keywords, and enhancing user experience to maintain and grow our online presence.

Expanding to New Markets

Looking forward, aims to expand into new markets and product lines. The insights gained from this SEO project will guide our strategies in exploring outdoor metal decor and business signage, catering to a broader audience.


The transformation of MakerTable’s website is a testament to the power of effective SEO and digital strategy. From overcoming technical challenges to aligning product offerings with customer searches, our comprehensive approach paid off. For businesses looking to reduce their dependence on platforms like Etsy and build a robust online presence, the right SEO consultant can make all the difference.

If you’re facing similar challenges or looking to take your business to the next level, consider the benefits of professional SEO services. As someone who has helped businesses like,, and grow and succeed, I can attest to the transformative power of a well-executed SEO strategy. Let’s work together to unlock your business’s full potential.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.