Jasper AI vs Copy AI (2022) – Which Ai Writing Software Should You Use?

Jasper AI vs Copy AI

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If you’re looking for a DEEP comparison of the two most popular AI writing software tools Jasper AI and Copy AI.

You’ve come to the right place.

In this Jasper AI vs Copy AI post, I’m going to compare:

  • User interface
  • Copywriting templates
  • Ability to write long-form articles
  • Integrations with other tools
  • Writing speed and custom templates
  • Word credit
  • Supported languages
  • And pricing

Let’s do this.

Introducing: The Two Competitors

First, we have Jasper AI.

Jasper AI tool is one of the popular AI writing software that uses the most advanced GPT-3 technology from OpenAI, which uses NLP (Natural Language Processing) with some other powerful algorithms.

Jasper AI can create high-quality copy for over 50 different purposes including writing sales copy, blog posts, social media posts, articles, etc.

Jasper AI software offers ton of features that make it a direct competitor to Copy AI, including:

  • 50+ copywriting templates
  • Boss Mode
  • Supports 25 languages
  • Free words credit

Currently, Jasper has over 50,000+ users worldwide who are using this amazing AI copywriting tool to create content.

Second, we have Copy.ai.

Copy Ai also uses GPT-3 technology that can automatically write Ads copy, articles, social media posts, long-form content, etc.

You can use Copy AI tool to write:

  • Creative content
  • Digital copy
  • Blog posts
  • Social media content
  • Sales copy and more…

Over 1000000+ marketers are using CopyAi to generate content for them.

The bottom line is that Jasper and Copy Ai both have similar feature sets.

So, it’s time to answer the key question: which AI writing tool is the best overall?

Let’s get started.

Which Tool has Best User-Interface?

First, let’s see which AI writing tool has the best user interface?

Let’s see who came out on top.

Jasper AI

Jasper-AI-Long form content

I found Jasper AI user interface is pretty clean and easy-to-use.

The things that makes Jasper AI better than CopyAi in terms of user experience are:

  • Power Mode – Jasper AI power mode let you switch templates easily without leaving the current one.
  • SEO Mode – Jasper AI comes with Surfer SEO integration that indicates your content SEO score same time. Therefore, you can write SEO-optimized articles.

Copy AI

Copy AI

CopyAI is a great AI writing software but I don’t like the user interface of Copy AI.


The reason is Jasper AI has SEO mode and Power mode that make it a step ahead of Copy AI.

Overall, I have to say that Japser AI wins here with Copy AI in terms of User Interface and experience.

Which Tool has Best Templates?

Next, I want to check which AI tool offers most templates.

In other words, which tool lets you create variety of content?

Similar to the above comparison, I’m going to pick Jasper first.


Jasper AI comes with 50+ content templates including blog post, blog description, AIDA, copywriting, Amazon product description, YouTube, social media posts, etc.

The thing I like most about Jasper is…

…you can create your own custom templates using Jasper AI commands.

Japser Boss Mode plan makes you the Boss of Jasper, where you can create long-form content fast.

Here are example of Jasper AI commands:

  • Hey Jasper, write a product review about…
  • Hey Jasper, write an introduction about…
  • Hey Jasper, write AIDA for…


Copy.ai comes with 90+ templates including blog posts, sales copy, eCommerce copy, blog content, digital ad copy, and more.

As you can see Copy AI has more templates compare to Jasper AI.

Then Copy AI should be winner, right?

Of course, Copy AI seems winner but Jasper AI isn’t loser at all.

With Jasper AI Boss Mode, you can creates as much as templates you want.

In a nutshell, this round is tie between Copy AI vs Jasper AI.

Which Tool Can Write Long-Form Content?

As we are comparing the two best AI writing tools, you should know which is best for writing long form content.

Let’s see which one is best.

Jasper AI

Jasper.ai can write long form content such as blog posts, articles, essays, and more. It can write lengthy content like blog posts, or even an eBook.

Jasper AI has two tools to writing long-form content:

  • Long-Form Assistant Tool of Jasper.ai – Using this template you can write articles and other lengthy content fast. To use this tool, you’ll need to buy the Boss Mode plan.
  • Boss Mode – With Boss mode plan of Jasper.ai you can write anything you want. You just need to use Jasper AI command, and it will start writing for you.

Copy AI

CopyAI disappoints here.

It can’t write the complete article for you.

It can only do basic jobs like creating blog post outline, blog post introduction, and blog post conclusion, etc.

You can’t create long-form content using Copy.AI.

In the terms of writing long-form content, Jasper AI beats out Copy AI. Both can automatically write content but Jasper AI can write longer content than Copy AI.

Which Tool has Best Integrations?

The best AI writing assistant tool will have integrations with other top tools.

Let’s see which tool have best integrations.

Jasper AI integrations

Jasper AI has integrations with one of the top SEO tools “Surfer SEO” that differentiate this AI writing tool with other alternatives.

With this feature you can write SEO optimized content that ranks in Google.

Simply click on the “SEO Mode” option from the top and it’ll start showing you SEO score of your content side by side in the same document.

Copy AI Integrations

Copy.ai doesn’t supports integrations with other tools to manage and write your content.

Jasper AI has the edge over here on Copy AI as it integrates with the most advanced SEO tool SURFER SEO.

Which Tool has Best Custom Templates & Writing Speed?

Both Copy AI and Jasper AI can automatically write content and have lots of templates?

Let’s see which one is the best.

Jasper AI

The Boss Mode of Jasper.ai is a powerful feature that can help you write content faster.

You can generate any type of content using Jasper Boss commands.

For example:

  • Hey Jasper, why should we build backlinks?
  • Hey Jasper, write product description for…
  • Hey Jasper, write a review about…
  • Hey Jasper, get me some blog post ideas related to “weight loss”

Use above format and hit the Command + Enter on your keyboard and Jasper will start writing content for you.

jarvis ai boss mode commands cheat sheet

This Jasper feature will let you write content faster and effectively.

If you don’t find Jasper templates helpful, you can create your own custom template to write content.


Copy.ai offers 90+ content templates that let you write content faster.

You’ll have to depend on the templates when creating content with Copy.ai.

Let’s say – you want to write a sales copy with CopyAI, first you’ll have to search for that template from dashboard then can generate the content.

In other words, you can’t write custom content in Copy AI beyond available templates.

On the other hand, if you’re using Jasper Boss Mode plan then you don’t need to rely on templates, you can write anything you want using Boss Mode Commands.

Although both AI writing tools can write content faster, I have to give the edge here to Jasper AI because of Boss Mode. With Boss Mode of Jasper.ai you can create custom templates for specific content.

Which Tool has More Words Credit?

Now it’s time to learn which AI writing tool has more words credit?

Word credits are important when you’re comparing these two advanced AI writing software tools.


Jasper AI tool

Jasper AI offers two pricing plans. In starter plan, you’ll get 20K words credit while in Boss Mode you get 50K words credit.

As you can see in Jasper Boss Mode plan, you get more words credit compare to Starter Plan.

Copy AI tool

Copy.ai has only one plan that starts with $49/mo with unlimited words credit.

Nevertheless, it can generate unlimited words but you can’t write long form content, books and blog posts with CopyAI.

If you prefer writing short copies such as social media posts, sales copy, etc. then CopyAI is best AI content tool for you.

In the terms of words credit, CopyAI beats out Jasper AI as you get unlimited words credit at just $49/mo. But Jasper.ai doesn’t provide any unlimited words credit plan till now.

However, you should consider that Copy AI can’t write long-form articles, eBooks, and blog posts.

Which Tool Generates Quality Content?

Let’s see the content quality that both AI tools generates.

So, you can know which tool is worth investing.

I’d put same input in both tool and will see the content quality it generates.

Jasper AI

See below the text which Japser.ai generates.


Here is the content output of Jasper AI.

Jasper-AI AIDA Output

As you see, the text Jasper AI generated is impressive and engaging.

Copy AI

Now, I’ll put the same content in Copy AI.


Here is the output of Copy AI.

Copy AI output

As can see the Jasper (formerly Jarvis) AI generated way better content copy for the same input. In fact, Jasper created 10X time better copy for the same input.

In one words, Jasper is the winner when it comes to creating quality content.

Which Tool Supports More Languages?

Next, I wanted to see how many languages Copy AI and Jasper AI supports.

This feature is important when you’re planning to buy AI writing software to create content.

An ideal AI writing tool supports more than one language.

Let’s see how many languages both tool supports.


Jasper.ai supports 26 languages. In short, you can create and write content into 26 different languages.

You can check all the languages here.


Copy.ai will create your content copy in 25+ languages within seconds.

You can check all the languages Copy AI supports here.

This battle of Copy AI vs Jasper AI is tie at languages support competition.

Which Tool Supports More Languages?

Now it’s time for the question that’s probably in your mind:

“Which tool is going to give me the most value for my money?”.

Obviously, this depends A LOT on what’s important to you. And what you work on most.

For example, if you spend most of your day on writing short copies that require lots of words, you’ll appreciate the CopyAI.

But if you’re a marketer or a blogger who loves writing long-form content and short copy both, you’ll love that Jasper AI can do the job pretty very well.

With that caveat out of the way, here’s how the pricing for each tool breaks down.

Pricing of Jasper.ai


Pricing of Jasper.ai

Jasper AI comes with two pricing plans:

  • Starter Plan – The plan starts at $29/mo for 20,000 words of credit. It is perfect for those who writes short content like social media posts, sales copy, etc.
  • Boss Mode Plan – The plan starts at $59/mo for 50,000 words of credit. In this plan you unlock the true power of Jasper AI that includes Boss mode commands that can write any type of content you want.

Pricing of Copy.ai

Copy.ai has only plan that starts at $49/month for unlimited words. You’ll get 90+ templates in CopyAI tool. Remember, you can’t write long-form content with Copy AI.

When it comes to pure value, Jasper AI wins. That’s because you get a complete AI writing software tool that can write both short and long-form content automatically.

Jasper AI vs Copy AI: And the Winner Is

I’ve personally used both AI writing tools, I think both complement each other well.

So to come up with winner, I took lots of factors into account:

  • User interface
  • Templates
  • Languages
  • Writing Speed
  • Words Credit
  • Overall Value

But if you ask to pick ONE tool to create content, I’d have to go with Jasper AI.

This was a REALLY hard call to make, I think you’d agree with the kind of features Jasper AI provides.

And, if you need a tool with unlimited words credit at all, I highly recommend CopyAI over Jasper AI.

But taking a big picture look at features, value, UI, and speed, I proudly call Jasper AI the winner here.

Both tools offer a free trial. I’d highly recommend to activate Jasper AI free trial and CopyAI free trial to learn and decide which one is right for you.

What Should You Look When Buying the AI Copywriting Tool?

Here are some things which you should consider when purchasing AI tool:

  • Word count – Limited words credit may be problem for some users who creates a lots content. Therefore, you should choose an AI writing tool that offers you sufficient words credit.
  • Reviews – Look online for reviews from real users, it will help you take wise decision whether you should buy it or not.
  • Output – Make the tool is offering FREE trial. Therefore, you can test the functionalities of the AI tool and know whether it creates high-quality content or not.
  • Templates – You should also look for the AI tool which is offering more templates, because the more templates it will have the variety of content you can generates.
  • Price – Whatever amount of money you spend on buying the tool should provide you maximum benefit for that.
  • Supported languages – The AI tool have option to convert content in multiple languages.
  • Additional features – All AI tools comes with templates, word limits and similar kind of features. But some AI software like Jasper provides additional features like Boss Mode, Surfer SEO integration.
  • Money-back guarantee – Make sure the tool you’re planning to buy is offering money-back guarantee. Therefore, you can get your money back if doesn’t suits your needs.

Also Read:

FAQs - Jasper AI vs Copy AI

Final Words - Jasper.ai vs Copy.ai - Which Tool Should You Use?

And now it’s time to hear what you have to say.

When it comes to the Jasper AI vs Copy AI batter, which tool do you prefer?

Are your favorite is Jasper AI?

Or, do you prefer to use Copy AI?

Let me know in the comment section below right now.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

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