How to Mass Unfollow on Twitter

How to Mass Unfollow on Twitter

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If you’ve tired of seeing irrelevant tweets on your Twitter feed?


Want to curate your social media experience and get the most out of the platform?

Then, it’s time to take control of your Twitter followers!

Today, I’m going to show you how to mass unfollow people on Twitter without breaking Twitter guidelines.

So sit back, relax, and let’s get started on creating the Twitter experience you deserve!

Why Mass Unfollow on Twitter in Important?

You follow a bunch of accounts, thinking they’ll be a great source of inspiration or information.

But then, you start realizing that some of these accounts just aren’t your cup of tea anymore.

Maybe they’ve become inactive, or they’re tweeting things that no longer align with your interests or values. Whatever the reason, you don’t want to waste your time scrolling through their tweets.

And that’s where mass unfollowing comes in!

By mass unfollow on Twitter, you can clean up your Twitter feed and only see the content that matters to you. Trust me, your Twitter experience will thank you for it.

What Are The Twitter Unfollowing Limits?

Now, you’re ready to clean up your Twitter feed and unfollow some accounts, huh?

Well, before you get started, there are a few rules set by Twitter that you need to be aware of.

To avoid getting flagged for spam or abuse, Twitter has put a limit on the number of accounts you can unfollow each day, there are:

  1. Daily Unfollowing Limit: Twitter allows users to unfollow up to 1,000 accounts per day. However, this limit may be lower for new or suspicious accounts.
  2. Temporary Ban: If you unfollow a large number of accounts in a short period of time, Twitter may temporarily ban you from unfollowing any more accounts. This ban typically lasts for a few hours, but in some cases, it can last for several days.

These limits changes time to time, and vary on accounts type. When using tweet deleter tool, avoid unfollowing mass Twitter accounts in a short period of time, as it can result in a permanent ban from Twitter.

When Should You Unfollow Someone on Twitter?

When unfollowing people on Twitter, these are the account types that you might consider unfollowing:

  1. Inactive Accounts: If someone hasn’t tweeted in months or years, they’re probably not adding much value to your feed. Unfollowing inactive accounts can help declutter your feed and make room for more active accounts.
  2. Accounts that No Longer Align with Your Interests or Values: If someone’s tweets no longer align with your interests or values, it’s okay to unfollow them. No hard feelings!
  3. Accounts that Regularly Tweet Controversial or Negative Content: If someone’s tweets are consistently controversial, negative, or just plain annoying, it might be time to unfollow them. Life’s too short to be constantly exposed to negativity.

Remember, the goal is to have a Twitter feed that’s filled with content that you find interesting, inspiring, and valuable. So, be ruthless and unfollow anyone who isn’t adding to your experience on the platform.

What is the Best Twitter Unfollow Tool?

Now you’re ready to bulk unfollow Twitter accounts which aren’t adding value to your experience on the platform.

But how do you actually do it?

That’s where mass unfollowing tools come in!

These tools make it easy to unfollow multiple accounts with a single click, saving you time and effort. Here are some of the most popular mass unfollowing apps:

Circleboom is the best Twitter unfollow app to remove non-followers, spam/fake and inactive profiles.

It provides you with Twitter account analytics, follower/friends insights to find fake and spammers accounts. Additionally, using the smart search tool you can find people to follow who has similar interest as you.

Moreover, with it you can bulk delete old tweets, retweets, likes and Twitter archives.

Circleboom is complete twitter management tool that you can use to grow your Twitter profile.

Key features:

  • Get followers insights
  • Twitter search tool
  • User analytics
  • Unlike my likes
  • Delete retweets, tweets, and Twitter archives


Circleboom has a four pricing plans:

  • Free – Starts at 0$/mo with limited features
  • PRO – Starts at $17.99/mo (with annual billing)
  • Multi – Start at $54.99/mo (with annual billing)
  • Enterprise – You need to contact sales team for custom plan.

I’d suggest you go with annual billing, you can save lots of money with it.

Ausiense Connect is an advanced twitter tool that help you manage and improve your Twitter audience with smart Twitter insights.

It also shows you the accouts which aren’t following you back or most likely to be spam and inactive. You can bulk unfollow those accounts in a single click.

Furthermore, it helps you grow your profile by telling you the best time to post on Twitter.

Key features:

  • Account comparison chart
  • Tweet analytics
  • Best time to tweet
  • Chatbots
  • Rule builder
  • Follow and unfollow tool
  • Tweet monitoring


Audiense Connect plans start at £39/month.

SocialBee is another popular social media management tool that let you mass unfollow everyone on Twitter who aren’t following you back or adding any value to your account.

Moreover, it has AI generator that automatically generate enaging tweets to increase your tweet reach. Also, you can use hashtag generators to find popular hashtags to include in your tweet.

Key features:

  • Bulk unfollow tool
  • AI content creation
  • Hashtag generator
  • Free stock imagery
  • Customize scheduling
  • Bulk editing and scheduling


SocialBee pricing starts at $19/month.

Checkout more free Twitter unfollow tools here.

Tips to Mass Unfollow Twitter Account Safely

Here are a few tips to help you unfollow Twitter followers in bulk efficiently and safely:

  • Take it slow and steady: To avoid getting flagged for spam or abuse, make sure to only unfollow a reasonable number of accounts per day.
  • Use filters to target specific accounts: Most mass unfollowing tools come with filters that allow you to target specific types of accounts, such as inactive or low-quality accounts.
  • Double-check before unfollowing: Make sure you’re only unfollowing accounts that you actually want to unfollow. Nothing’s worse than accidentally unfollowing someone you actually want to keep in your feed!

And there you have it!

With these steps, you’ll be on your way to a cleaner, more valuable Twitter experience in no time.”

Should You Mass Unfollow on Twitter?

The answer is: it depends!

Mass unfollowing would be great when you are a large number of inactive followers or spammers who bomberd your feed with useless tweets. Removing those account will give you more space to follow accounts that add value to your life.

On the other hand, if you’re only following a small number of accounts or are particularly attached to every one of your followers, mass unfollowing might not be worth the effort.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide whether or not mass unfollowing is right for your Twitter experience.

Just remember to follow Twitter’s limits and use mass unfollowing tools wisely, and you’ll be sure to have a positive experience.

If you find this post, helpful share it with your friends and social media.

Let me know if you know any other way to mass unfollow on Twitter?

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

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