Smart Linkbuilding Startegies for Just Launched Websites that Google Loves

link building for new website

Table of Contents

Congratulations! Your website is live. 🙂

Now, what?

Do you have link building strategies for your just launched website?


You should have at least one effective link building strategy.

If you aren’t aware of this term before, you might be wondering what the heck is link building?

And, why do I need link building for my website?

According to Google algorithm, most websites ranks in the search engine because of their link popularity.

Google ranking factor

Link building is a complicated and important part of SEO. It is the process of getting external web pages to link to a page on your website.

If you want your website to appear at the top in the search results, you need to make some high-quality backlinks that refer to your website.

In this post, I will show you smart ways of link building techniques that work for a brand new website.

Let begin!

#1. Let the people make link for your website (Experts Roundup)

Are you looking for a way to build some quality backlinks and natural traffic to your website?

How about, if experts do that for you?

Wouldn’t it be amazing?

Yes, you heard it right.

You must be wondering, why do they will do that?

All you need is to do blogger outreach and organize an expert roundup post.

Yes, it the tactic, I am talking about.

Expert roundup is an awesome way to get quality links, traffic, social shares and brand awareness to your blog.

Recently, my good friend Eli Seekins and Michael Pozdnev conducted expert roundup posts for their website. Where they invited some respected pro bloggers to share their thoughts on their questions.

Are you curious to know, how did it go?

See below yourself:

expert round up post

Here is an other form Eli’s blog…

Fatal Mistakes New Bloggers Need To Avoid

As you can see, it also got them hundreds of social shares. Okay?

So, it’s a very, very fast way to get exposure for a new blog as an expert roundup

But the question is, how to get a reply from these experts?

I recommend you to read Eli’s guest post at Sue Ann’s Blog that helped him to get 103 shares and 42 comments, even when he had zero traffic and no email list.

Pro Tip – Never ask multiple questions from experts because they are busy persons. So, respect to their valuable time.

#2. Offer testimonials for use on authoritative sites

Testimonials are still one of the best marketing tactics to convert and audiences to buyers.

In fact, 92% consumers around the globe trust recommendations from friends and family.

testimonials trust

That’s why companies love to show testimonials on their website. If it was written well, it could work for both, you and the company, you wrote testimonials.

Contact to the companies you have engaged in the past or used their services. And ask them you want to write a testimonial for their website.

They will happy to know this. Because whether companies are big or small they love to show off their clients’ reviews on their websites about their product and services.

When they accept your proposal, don’t forget to ask them if they can put it on their homepage or a testimonial page.

No authority sites want to show a fake testimonial, that is why they often put a link to their customers… without even asking for it.

Testimonials example

If you want to get a backlink from authority sites, buy their product and offer them testimonials.

Pro Tip – When you send them an email with your website link. Don’t ask them to use it. Share your true opinions with them. If they will like your feedback they will link itself.

asking for testimonial

Image Source

#3. Local Businesses: Get some high-quality local links

Local listing is important if you are running a local business. In that case, you must earn some local links besides global links.

Local business listing is crucial to get ranking for locally based keywords, such as ones involving your city or region name.

Here are some good local listing sites you can use today:

Remember, when you are submitting your local business’s information NAP (Name, Address, and Phone) on these websites. Information should be same on every website.

It is critical to your website’s ranking that information should in the same format.

Pro Tip – When you are looking for directories for local listing, make sure it has DA above 25. Below that DA websites would be considered as a low authority, and it could hurt your website’s ranking.

#4. Blog comment on authoritative site

It is the topic of debate among marketers, does blog commenting is still effective? Does it improve website ranking in search results?

The answer is, Yes, it is still effective and you should do it regularly.

Neil Patel generated $25,000 and 3,973 visitors in one month by leaving 249 comments on other people’s blogs.

However, having multiple benefits of blog commenting many people do useless or spam comment. Akismet, a tool that helps stop spam comments, stops over 7.5 million spam comments every hour.

If your website is new and you want to generate targeted traffic to your website, you must use this tactic.

Make sure, avoid the following silly blog commenting mistakes.

  • Using keyword in the name section instead of original name
  • Using inactive email id for commenting
  • Using an email address that’s not connected to a Gravatar
  • Leaving comment on irrelevant websites
  • Leaving useless and irrelevant out of the topic comment
  • Doing keyword stuffing in comment

Blogging could be awesome when you mix it with blog commenting. It is unique way drive quality traffic and build a healthy relationship with other fellow bloggers.

People who don’t see results probably haven’t been doing it the right way.

Nevertheless, there is no defined rule of blog commenting, but it doesn’t mean you do it anywhere without making any sense.

I increased this website’s DA from 7 to 24 by blog commenting in two months. While, I didn’t write a single guest post or used any other link building tactic, yet.

[Tweet “Blog commenting is the fastest way to get extra exposure to your website.”]

Here are custom footprints you can use to find sites for blog commenting:

  • “this site uses keywordluv”
  • “this site uses commentluv”
  • “powered by wordpress”
  • “leave a comment”
  • “reply to post”
  • “leave comment”
  • “powered by wordpress”
  • “leave a comment”
  • “reply to post”
  • site:edu “by wordpress” “Leave a Reply”

Pro Tip – Don’t write a comment without reading the article on which you are commenting. Once you understand the topic, write a detailed comment of at least 200 words. It increases the chance of the comment approval.

#5. Write quality content and share it wherever is possible

All the link building strategies mentioned above will work only if your website has quality content, that provides value to your audiences.

No one would like to share and link useless and outdated content on his website.

You should write a compelling blog post that people will want to reference and link to, and tell people about it.

You don’t need to ask them for backlinks if they like it, they will do it themselves.

Chirs Gimmer founder of BootstapBay managed to get 17,584 visitors in one day for his new website by writing a single quality content.

He got this achievement:

Without any connections.

Without any social media followers.

Without investing a single penny on the advertisement.

You must be wondering; how did he do that?

Read here the complete step-by-step guide to finding the answer.

Pro Tip – Only writing quality content will not enough for you, unless readers read it. And, it is your duty to deliver that content to right persons.

Final Thoughts!

Launching a website is only half work, to shine in the crowd of the web, your website needs to appear on some quality sites.

However, this is not an easy task but, if you apply the above mentions link building tips for the new website, you will get remarkable results.

Don’t try to take shortcuts for building links, it might show some early results but Google will catch you soon.

You probably know, what will be the result then? Google will award your website with its penalties. And, I am sure you’d never want that. Wouldn’t you? 😉

Instead, earn links for your website through networking, following link building tips, social media, and personal branding.

Now, it’s your turn which link-building strategy, you are already using or want to suggest for a new website? Leave your thoughts in the comment.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

36 thoughts on “Smart Linkbuilding Startegies for Just Launched Websites that Google Loves”

  1. Hey Umesh,

    Starting a blog is easy but handling it is quite difficult. People should know the proper things which can help them to grow the backlinks.

    I have always preferred the blog commenting as the best activity to get backlinks from the higher authority websites.

    The idea of testimonials seems great.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Hi Umesh,

    I am really happy to see this post here , because before few days i am also researching on this topic with my mates like Harleena Singh, Ankit Singla and Anil Agarwal specially i hope you know these Top Indian Bloggers and finally i got another helpful material for my research.

    Yes! i am totally agree with which you shared.!

    Thanks 🙂

  3. I agree Ravi, blog commenting is one the best way to get exposure of new website as well as targeted traffic.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    – Umesh Singh

  4. Hi Sanu,
    I am glad you like it.

    Yes, I know these all bloggers. Actually, me and Anil are social media friends from 2012. We used to do social media vote sharing for each other.

    Umesh Singh

  5. I Umesh,
    Very nice post bro, getting some quality links through roundups is the best way and even commenting is a great help.
    Although, thanks for sharing this amazing post.

  6. Hi Robin,

    Great to see you brother. I am glad you liked it.

    Very soon I will come with other untapped link building strategy post. Be in touch.

    Have a nice day!

    – Umesh Singh

  7. I used to think that it’s very simple to create a blog, just write because of my passion. And now, there are a lot of things to do. Thanks for sharing this useful post. I will follow your tips for my blog!

  8. Hey Umesh,
    This is my first visit to your blog. You are doing great effor here.
    This blog post is AWESOME!

    Yeah, roundups are great for getting exposure, shares and backlinks as well.

    Also loved the point of blog comments, some bloggers use it as a way of SEO, if you think of it that way, you will end by spamming the other bloggers with some generic comments. Your comment should add a value, and proofs that you have read the whole post.

    Actually, you can share your thoughts or ask questions which could open a conversation that might be helpful for the other readers too.

    Thanks for sharing such a useful post!
    Keep posting!


  9. Hi Hussain,

    You most welcome brother at Curious Blogger. Yes, blogging commenting can provide some remarkable results if done right. But some inexperienced blogger do it wrong by following black hat SEO and spamming.

    Thanks for your kind words. Keep visiting.

    Have a great day! 🙂

    – Umesh Singh

  10. Hello Umesh,

    I have found that writing compelling headlines helps in getting quality links. Your headline for example “Smart Linkbuilding Startegies for Just Launched Websites that Google Love” will attract attention as we all need that magic “Google Love”. This followed by quality content is essential. I do hate all the spam comments I get on my blog from those who cannot be bothered to read the article but are just looking for a cheap link. In my view blogging is a marathon not a sprint.Keep up the quality work! Regards. Steve

  11. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for stopping by. I agree with you there are many people who do blog comment for getting backlinks. But, still there are several bloggers who share their opinion and suggestion thorough blog comment.

    I hope I will see you again on my blog.

    Have a nice day. 🙂

    Umesh Singh

  12. I am still having my reservations regarding this link building using blog commenting….. How many comments would one drop to affect his blog ranking?

  13. There are no limits have defined yet about blog commenting. You are free to drop many comment only condition is that should be related to the topic and on high quality sites.

  14. Hello Umesh, Hope you are having a good time! I have just read your article. Great job!I’m really empressed with the 5 tips you shared for building links for a new website. Keep writting such amazing articles. Cheers!

  15. Great blog!!! Thanks for sharing it with us it is really helpful and tips will really help me in growing my knowledge about the link building process for new websites. keep sharing such great blogs.

  16. Thank you very much for posting these link building strategies I have learned a lot from you guys. Thanks!

  17. I think It’s a tremendous article.. You have shown me the way to do link building for new launch websites, thanks a lot for sharing it.

  18. Look it is a great article to read but i have a question about 4th point Blog comment on authoritative site? Do you think still it is possible to post a comment on authoritative sites and get a backlink especially do-follow? If yes, will you mind to share some strategies?

    Thanks in advance

  19. Nice to talk to you. its fantastic article to learn new things for a new website. Quality of back links is very important to get the ranking in the search results. How to generate quality back links to a website?can you give me any suggestions for that?

  20. Hi Idrees,

    I can understand you point. Getting do follow link means a lot for webmasters, but if you flip the coin, you will see that authority site has huge readership and when you post a thoughtful comment you actually, attracting to those readers.

    Yes, it is possible to get backlinks from authority sites but only if you leave a sensible comment.


  21. Hi Umesh,

    These are some great methods to make links for new websites. People often makes mistake while do link building for website, and make links fast that leads them to google penalty. Thanks for sharing some thoughtful link building ideas with us.

  22. Hi Umesh,
    These are one of the best strategies one could suggest in building links. What i mainly liked was the strategy you mentioned on creating local links. Business owners sometimes take local links for granted as they think that I want global business so why should I target a local market and this makes them to miss out an better opportunity in creating authority.

  23. Excellent article, It’s very useful for me. Let me ask a question, Is web directories still effective in link building?

  24. I love keyword luv but wish that all the sites using it were as great at this one.
    you have added a twitter id also how cool this is . I have put to follow you on rss.

  25. Building links is most important if you want to rank your website on search engines and the most difficult part is getting links from high-quality link building sites. In this blog, you explained very well about backlinks. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.

  26. Thanks for Link Building article. I can not think better article than this one exist on internet. Keep writing author.

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