Why Choosing the Right Domain is Crucial for Bloggers’ SEO Success

Choosing the Right Domain

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You probably didn’t think your blog’s domain had anything to do with SEO, but it does. Crucial factors like memorability, brandability, and keywords in your domain name can affect your search engine rankings and lead to more traffic.

Since the data already shows that a significant percentage of website visits comes from organic search, you want to use all the necessary strategies to put your website at the top of SERPS.

Buying a domain is the first step into your blogging journey, so why not start setting yourself up for SEO success from there?

In this article, I’ll show you how the right domain can directly influence your search engine rankings and position you for success as a blogger.

How Your Domain Affects Your Blog’s SEO

Your domain is basically your address on the world wide web. It’s easy to think of it as a collection of words with an extension at the end, but it’s much more than that.

Considering some factors before going on to buy domain names can instantly make your domain name a tool for search engine marketing.

Here are some criteria that can make your blog’s domain SEO-friendly:


Most people who visit your blog will likely type your domain name into a web browser to access it.

Now, imagine a situation where they can’t remember the URL because it’s too lengthy or difficult to spell?

Every visitor you lose because of these reasons automatically translates to lesser traffic, and we all know that traffic is one of the metrics Google considers to determine if your blog has authority.

Keeping your blog name short and easy to remember can increase direct traffic.

memorable url

When the number of people that visit your website from entering the URL in their browser increases, Google considers the platform as relevant and trustworthy. Your web rankings will improve as a result.

Brand Recognition

Your blog is an extension of your personal brand.

So, you want a domain name that enhances your branding efforts. One way to do this is to opt for a domain that immediately tells people what your blog is about.

You can pick a name that’s closely linked to your blog’s niche or the services you provide.

How’s this important for SEO? Because when people enter search requests linked to your products or industry, seeing a domain name with terms related to their queries informs them your website has relevant information to solve their pain points.

This will lead to more clicks on search engine result pages, which is great for your SEO efforts.

Of course, when it comes to picking a branded domain name, don’t select something too generic.

Remember you’re likely not the only website writing on that niche. So, you want to opt for a domain that separates you from the competition.

Look for something unique and memorable, so your target audience isn’t struggling to recall it.

Relevant Keywords

Keyword research isn’t such a big deal with choosing a domain name as it is with creating content because Google doesn’t consider the keywords in your domain as a major metric when ranking your website.

Still, you should add keywords to your blog’s URL because it can tell search engines what you focus on, and this affects ranking, even though the impact isn’t as significant as in previous years.

Industry-related keywords in your domain name can also foster trust and enhance click-through-rates among readers, as they’ll believe you’re an authority in that niche.

Domain Extensions

The “.com” is the most well-known top-level domain (TLD) on the internet. Every internet user is familiar with it so it’s a great pick for your blog since it’ll build credibility.

However, it’s not the only one out there, and I don’t think it’s out of place to consider other domain extensions for your blog, especially considering the SEO benefits.

For instance, if you’re targeting an audience in a specific country like Canada or the UK, choosing a TLD like “.ca” or “.uk” respectively tells Google to rank your blog for search requests from users within that area.

which domain is right

This strategy is helpful if the queries are location-specific, like a UK resident searching for the “best coffee shops in Birmingham” as coffee shops located in Birmingham Alabama would not be included in search results.

Beyond the SEO benefits, your domain extension affects how people interact with your website. Web users are likely to trust and click on blogs that have country-specific or local top-level domains because they believe these platforms offer content tailored to them.


A domain name is more than a collection of words with a “.com” extension. You can improve your blog’s SEO efforts with the right domain name.

Before buying a domain, ensure it’s easy to remember for your audience, unique, and tailored to your brand or niche.

Even though keywords in our URL isn’t a ranking factor, I still believe you should include them because it can boost credibility and click-through rates.

Overall, picking a domain name for your blog isn’t a decision to make hastily if you’re targeting success.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.