8 Critically Acclaimed Novels You Might Read Right Now

Critically Acclaimed Novels

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Opinions vary markedly when it comes to determining the “greatest book ever written.” Critics and readers alike—young and old, seasoned and new—often find themselves at a crossroads.

What truly defines the zenith of literature?

Could it be a novel brimming with layers of poetic language? Alternatively, is it one that presents a stark, unvarnished reality?

Some argue the greatest novel’s impact is monumental, prompting societal shifts. Others suggest a different criterion: novels that initiate quiet ripples in our collective consciousness.

Below, discover an eclectic roundup of the greatest novels of all time. Each, for distinct reasons, boasts the title of being among the most monumental literary achievements.

H2 Best Critically Acclaimed Novels

#1. Things Fall Apart

Chinua Achebe’s seminal work, initially released in 1958, chronicles the life of Okonkwo, a preeminent warrior and wrestler renowned across West Africa. Tragically, his life starts to fall apart following the inadvertent manslaughter of a man from his tribe.

An imposed exile is his fate. Upon his homecoming, he’s met with an altered reality: missionaries and colonial overseers have infiltrated his village.

This Nigerian author’s narrative profoundly transformed the landscapes of African and international literature. Remarkably, this novel has been translated into forty-five languages and boasts over 10 million copies sold.

#2. To Kill A Mockingbird

Set against the backdrop of 1930s Alabama, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird stands as a definitive narrative exploring racial discord. The plot weaves around Atticus Finch, a white attorney.

He embarks on a quest to exonerate Tom Robinson, an African American man wrongly indicted for the assault of a white woman. Through the eyes of Finch’s young daughter, Scout, the story poignantly unmasks injustice—a stark contrast against her innocence. This piece is more than literature; it’s an American symbol.

Addressing racism with humor and empathy, the book has earned its status as a paramount work of the last century. Come 2015, Lee gave the world a sequel, Go Set A Watchman; this novel revisits characters decades later in the 1950s, infusing the original with newfound depth and perspective.

All these novels are to be read now, but how to do it? The easiest and most accessible way is to read novels online. We have several favorite reading apps that are always at hand. Every self-respecting romance fan should have FictionMe.

This is an accessible source of novels online, and many of them are free. There are also a ton of new novels here, making it a great chance to find a hidden gem.

#3. In Search of Lost Time

This timeless literary masterpiece delves into the depths of recollection, portraying love and art amid the shifting sands of time.

As we meander through the narrator’s childhood memories and segue into his adulthood amongst French nobility of a bygone era, we encounter profound reflections.

The narration is marked by its rich portrayal of involuntary memory, the iconic “madeleine episode” being its crown jewel.

#4. Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes’ ‘Don Quixote’ stands as a monumental work of literature. In its pages, we meet a man overwhelmed by the fantastical tales of chivalry, thereby transforming himself into the valiant Don Quixote.

He embarks on a quest to mend the world’s wrongs. His faithful Sancho Panza, a squire, joins him. Together, they engage in whimsical battles with imagined giants, mistaking windmills for their foes.

The protagonist’s enamored with Dulcinea—a mere peasant girl envisioned as a noblewoman—further blurs his grasp on reality. A penetrating analysis of the era’s fictional works, ‘Don Quixote’ delves deep into themes of perception and sanity, entwining madness with the everyday.

#5. The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s brief yet profound novel epitomizes the excess of the 1920s and the subsequent collapse of the American Dream. This modern tragedy narrates the story of Jay Gatsby, who rose to millionaire status, as he relentlessly pursued Daisy Buchanan.

Daisy, a vision of romantic perfection for Gatsby, is already married to another affluent individual. Gatsby, blinded by his aspiration for wealth and social prestige that Daisy represents, overlooks her inherent flaws. This oversight leads to his tragic end, painting a vivid picture of unrequited love and the pitfalls of idealization.

#6. One Hundred Years of Solitude

Gabriel García Márquez, the iconic Colombian writer, released his seminal masterpiece “One Hundred Years of Solitude” back in 1967. Chronicling the epic tale of the Buendía family over seven generations, this narrative captures their town, Macondo, from its inception to its eventual tragic demise, alongside its last-standing family members.

Through an enchanting blend of the mundane and the mystical, the book immerses readers in the realm of magic realism. Books on this topic are now very popular and now there are many AI novels in the field of magical realism.

The novel is a canvas painted with the vibrant hues of myths and folklore, effectively capturing the essence of Latin American culture and its rich historical narratives.

#7. Wuthering Heights

Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights” stands as an essential work on any reading list. Unlike the romantic novels of Jane Austen, Brontë’s piece, crafted in the year 1847, delivers a narrative that delves into darker and more complex depths.

Encapsulating two generations, this novel unfolds within a creatively structured frame narrative. The prose—often lauded for its sheer beauty—paints the tumultuous bond between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, an orphan.

Their tale unwinds against the backdrop of the untamed Yorkshire moors. Brontë, in her unique literary work, captures the essence of fatalistic love and the shadowy trails of revenge with a distinctive power.

#8. Invisible Man

Ralph Ellison’s defining work, dubbed “Invisible Man,” diverges markedly from its science-fiction counterpart with a near-identical title penned by H.G. Wells—sans the definitive article “The.” Chronicling the African American male’s search for identity, Ellison’s novel stands out.

The protagonist, who remains nameless and perceives himself as invisible within society’s confines, narrates his own tale.


If you are looking for the best novels that have been approved by almost all book critics, then you have found them. The listed 8 books demonstrate the peak of the writer’s skill.

Every reader should be familiar with the listed works before embarking on a free journey through the bookshelves of their library or reading app.

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Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.