Comparing IT Staff Augmentation with Offshore Software Development


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Demand for skilled IT professionals and software development professionals are increasing day-by-day.

There are two way to find the talented IT experts:

First, IT staff augmentation…

…and other one is offshore software development.

Both have their benefits and challenges, and to succeed you need to know them better.

In this post, I’ll show you how IT staff augmentation and offshore software development works, compare their costs, skillset availability, communication, and quality.

Let’s get started.

What is IT staff augmentation?

IT staff augmentation means adding extra people to a company’s IT team from outside. It is best approach when the team needs special skills or has too much work for a while.

Instead of hiring full-time workers, businesses hire temporary professionals to help with projects.

What is Offshore Software Development?

Offshore software development means giving software projects to a team in another country. This helps businesses find more skilled people and might cost less because of different wages and skills available there.

Comparing IT staff augmentation and offshore software development helps businesses see what’s the benefits and drawbacks of each approach and make informed decisions based on their specific needs and circumstances.

Now let’s see…

Importance of IT Staff Augmentation

IT staff augmentation means hiring external IT professionals who work alongside existing employees.

The augmenting staff members are integrated into the existing team structure and collaborate on the project according to the company’s requirements and guidelines.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Now let’s see both benefits and disadvantages of IT staff augmentation:


IT staff augmentation is a smart choice because it saves money.

Instead of hiring hiring full-time employees, businesses only pay for the time they need extra help.

This way, they can manage their budget better. Moreover, they avoid spending on benefits and other costs that come with permanent jobs, keeping expenses low.

Access to Specialized Skills

IT staff augmentation is provides extra benefits to businesses. It lets them tap into a whole world of specialized skills they might not have in their own team.

When a complicated project comes along, they can call in the experts they need without having to hire them permanently.

It’s like having a team of experts for different jobs. Using this approach ompanies can get the job done right without making big, long-term commitments.

Communication Challenges

Communication can be tough in IT staff augmentation.

Since the team comes from outside, talking and working together might be harder, especially if they’re far away or in different time zones.

Different cultures and ways of talking can also make things challenging.

This might cause confusion or misunderstandings, which can slow down work and make the team feel less together.

Additionally, when people speak different languages, it’s even tougher to get ideas across and keep things moving smoothly.

Collaboration with the Existing Team

Integrating augmenting staff members seamlessly into an existing team can be another challenge.

Differences in work culture, communication styles, and project management methodologies may create complexities that must be addressed for successful collaboration.

Additionally, conflicting priorities and goals between the existing team and the augmenting staff can pose integration challenges.

If everyone isn’t on the same page about what they’re supposed to do, it can cause problems and make it hard to get things done right.

Moreover, if some people don’t want to change how they work, it can make fitting in the new team members even harder.

So, it’s important for everyone to be open to new ideas and willing to work together.

Here’s a real-life example:

A software company got hit with lots of new projects all at once, but they didn’t have enough people to do the work.

So, they decided to try IT staff augmentation. They brought in skilled developers on short-term contracts.

This helped them grow their team fast and finish their projects on time without having to hire new employees for good.

Offshore Software Development

Offshoring software development means outsourcing projects to a team in another country or region.

Businesses can collaborate remotely with the offshore team to build software solutions that meet their requirements.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Offshoring software development has its pros and cons. Let’s check them out:


Offshore software development often presents cost advantages, especially when outsourcing to regions with lower labor costs.

This allows businesses to access skilled talent at significantly reduced rates compared to hiring local resources.

Access to a Large Talent Pool

Offshore software development provides access to a larger talent pool with diverse skill sets.

Businesses can choose from various technical expertise and select the most suitable team for their project requirements.

Communication and Time Zone Challenges

One of the main challenges of offshore software development is communication, especially when working with teams in different time zones.

Effective coordination and collaboration can become complicated, potentially leading to delays and misunderstandings if not appropriately managed.

Quality Control Issues

Maintaining consistent quality standards can be a challenge in offshore software development.

The cultural and language differences between the client and the offshore team may impact understanding and matching expectations, requiring clear communication and regular quality control measures.

Here’s a real-life example:

A small start-up had a tight budget but wanted to make a cool mobile app.

They decided to send the project to an offshore software team in a country that’s really good at making mobile apps.

The offshore team finished the project on time and within the budget.

This helped the start-up get a great app without spending too much money or hiring lots of people.


Now it’s time to do the comparison of both IT staff augmentation and offshore software development:

Cost Comparison

Both IT staff augmentation and offshore software development offer cost advantages.

IT staff augmentation allows companies to hire specialized professionals temporarily, reducing the long-term costs associated with hiring permanent employees.

On the other hand, offshore software development offers access to a larger talent pool at lower labor rates, resulting in cost savings for the overall project.

Skillset Comparison

IT staff augmentation provides immediate access to specialized skills unavailable within the existing team.

It allows businesses to tap into professionals with specific technical expertise required for a project.

While, offshore software development offers access to diverse skill sets from a global talent pool, enabling businesses to choose the most suitable team for their project requirements.

Communication and Collaboration Comparison

IT staff augmentation allows for more direct and immediate communication, as the augmenting team works closely with the existing team.

However, offshore software development can present challenges in communication and collaboration due to distance, time zone differences, and potential language barriers.

Utilizing communication tools, setting clear expectations, and establishing effective project management processes can mitigate these challenges.

Quality Comparison

Both IT staff augmentation and offshore software development can deliver high-quality results.

However, maintaining consistent quality can be more challenging with offshore software development due to potential cultural and language differences.

Regular communication, effective project management, and quality control measures are essential to ensure that quality standards are met in either approach.


In conclusion, whether to go for IT staff augmentation or offshore software development depends on what a business needs.

IT staff augmentation gives more control, quick communication, and temporary specialized skills.

Offshore software development saves money, gives access to different skills, and lets the team grow when needed.

To choose right, businesses need to think about cost, skills, communication, and quality control.

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Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.