8 Surefire Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas (In 5 Minutes)

blog post ideas

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Ever felt stuck staring at a blank screen, unsure what to write for your next blog post?

That blinking cursor seems to mock you, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

But guess what?

You don’t have to feel that frustration anymore!

In this article, I’m going to share with some of the best tips to find blog posts without spending too much time.

Let’s get started.

How to Find Blog Post Ideas Fast?

Here are some of the smart ways to find ideas for your next blog post:

Use SEMrush to Find Trending Topics

SEMrush is the best tool to find untapped topics ideas for your next blog post.

Here is how it works:

First, head over to SEMrush keyword magic tool and enter your broad keyword.

semrush keyword magic tool

It will spit out other related keywords.

semrush keyword research

Next, you need filter them based on their competiton and search volume.

Once, you’ve list ready you can start writing about them.

Moreover, you can checkout competitors top performing pages and write on same.

Want to try SEMrush?

It’s FREE for 7 days! Start finding awesome blog ideas today!

Find Endless Blog Ideas on Quora

Quora is a goldmine for bloggers to find blog post ideas.

If you’re not already a member, don’t wait another second – sign up now!

Once you’re in, Quora will ask you to choose topics you’re interested in. If you’re into digital marketing, make sure to follow that topic.

As soon as you follow, you’ll start seeing questions and answers related to digital marketing popping up in your feed.

Now, here’s where the magic happens:

Find a question that you think needs a good answer. It could be anything from “How to increase website traffic?” to “What’s the latest trend in social media marketing?”

Then, put your thinking cap on and write a blog post about it. But remember, keep it real and authentic. Provide valuable solutions backed by facts and your own expertise.

And here’s a little bonus tip: After you publish your blog post, go back to Quora and drop the link under the same question. It’s a best way to drive some extra traffic to your blog!

Explore Comment Sections for Blog Inspiration

Comments on blogs are another way to find the great ideas for blog.

Don’t just checkout comments on your own blog – but also what people are saying on other blogs too.

In the comment section, people often share their questions, problems, and ideas. It’s a goldmine of inspiration for bloggers like you!

You’ll find endless blog post ideas by diving into the comment section of popular blogs. Whether it’s a question begging for an answer or a problem in need of a solution, there’s no shortage of topics to explore.

Once you’ve see a hot topic in the comments, plug the keyword into a keyword research tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs.

These tools will show you the search volume and competition of those keywords – to help you understand if people are really searching for those topics or not.

If it looks promising, start writing about it. Your readers will thank you for addressing their concerns, and you’ll attract new visitors looking for your insights.

I often check popular SEO blogs’ comments for ideas. And sometimes, I find a perfect topic hiding there.

Subscribe to YouTube Channels in Your Niche

YouTube has a tons of channels covering almost every topic under the sun.

My advice?

Start subscribing to some best YouTube channels in your niche.

YouTubers are constantly coming up with fresh, untapped topics that can spark your creativity.

Here’s the beauty of it:

When you find an interesting topic on YouTube, you can easily see its potential before writing about it.

And the best part?

You often don’t need to look for additional sources to research – many YouTube videos contain all the information you need right there.

All you have to do is take that knowledge and convert it into compelling content that keeps your readers hooked from start to finish.

So go ahead, dive into those YouTube channels and let the inspiration flow!

Engage in Blogger Communities on Social Media

Are you active on social media? If not, it’s time to jump in!

Social media isn’t just selfies and cat videos. It’s a busy place for bloggers like you.

In fact, it is the best platform to connect with link minded bloggers.

There are groups on Facebook and even WhatsApp just for bloggers.

In these groups, bloggers chat about everything – from writing tips, AI impact on SEO, to social media strategies.

Joining these groups isn’t just about making friends. You’ll find tons of new ideas for your blog almost everyday.

Make sure you don’t just sit and watch everyone talking but also participate with whatever knowledge you have.

Join Niche Relevant Forums

Forums are the best place to find untapped blog post ideas.

However, not all forums are created equal – especially when it comes to finding ideas that fit your niche.

Now, listen to me…

To find forums where your audience hangs out, use these search strings in Google:

“keyword forum”
“keyword” + “forum”
“keyword” + “forums”
“keyword” + “board”

Once you find a forum, explore its sections – each one is a potential goldmine of keywords for your list.

For example, let’s say you found an SEO Forum. Check out sections like “On Page SEO” for more specific topics your audience struggles with.

seo forums

You’ll find both free and paid options out there, you can choose that suits you.

These fourms aren’t just finding the topics – but also to learn about your niche.

Tap into Social Media Trends

Social media isn’t just for sharing memes – it’s also a goldmine for finding trends and hot topics.

Keep an eye on trending hashtags, viral challenges, and popular discussions in your niche.

Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are perfect for this.

Make a list of all trending hashtags and topics that aligns with your blog.

Now you’ve list ready – next start writing a post that adds your unique perspective to the conversation, or create content that helps your audience understand the trend.

Remember to stay authentic and relevant to your audience’s interests, and you’ll never run out of engaging blog post ideas.

Explore “Searches Related To” on Google

Want to uncover hidden gems for your blog? Look no further than Google’s “Searches Related To” feature.

Here’s how it works:

Start by searching for a keyword related to your blog topic – let’s say “content marketing.”

Scroll to the bottom of the search results page.

content marketing - related searches

You’ll find a list of related keywords that Google suggests.

These suggestions come straight from the search giant itself, so you know they’re popular with users.

Pro Tip: Click on one of these related keywords, then scroll to the bottom of the new results page. You’ll discover even more related keywords to explore.

Keep rinsing and repeating this process to uncover a treasure trove of keywords that’ll take your blog to the next level!

Wrapping Up!

So, what do you think?

Finding blog post ideas is a hard nut to crack.

Nah, I don’t think so!

I hope now you do the same.

As I stated earlier, you have to keep your eyes wide-open.

Follow the eight ways given above. I know you will never feel the content drought ever.

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.

5 thoughts on “8 Surefire Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas (In 5 Minutes)”

  1. Hi Umesh and Ugyen,
    Very nice to meet both of you. 🙂

    Best blog post writing idea, so glad to found a complete article on it. Agree with your guideline such as follow niche on Quora, reading comments on blogs, joining niche relevant forums etc to find the best blog post idea.

    When reader open your site they find some interesting and relevant content useful and informative for them. And if you are not capable to provide them a good article then never visit to your site. So we must find some interesting topic to write about them and share it to readers. The post should be written in such a ways so that reading after on post, reader click the next post and so on.

    Thanks for awesome blog post ideas.
    – Ravi.

  2. Some obvious but relevant tips by you, Ugyen. Thanks for the post. Quora is a godsend for bloggers. It just never fails to immerse you if you follow your niche. Reddit is another one which you could have mentioned. YouTube channels are great sources of amazing blog post ideas. All in all, follow your niche, no matter where you head.

  3. Some obvious but relevant tips by you, Umesh. Thanks for the post. Quora is a godsend for bloggers. It just never fails to immerse you if you follow your niche. Reddit is another one which you could have mentioned. YouTube channels are great sources of amazing blog post ideas. All in all, follow your niche, no matter where you head.

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