How to Create a Portfolio That Draws Customer Attention

create a website portfolio

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A portfolio is like a showcase where creative or tech people display their work to find jobs or clients.

Making your own website portfolio is a great idea because it looks really professional.

Moreover, you can show off all your projects in one place, organize them neatly, and choose cool designs.

It might sound hard to make a website…

…but it’s actually easy with WordPress themes and website builders.

These online tools have everything you need to build a portfolio website online.

In today’s post, I’m going to share with some awesome tips for creating a super cool online portfolio!

What is a Website Portfolio?

A website portfolio is like a digital display case where people show off their work online. It’s a way for creative or techy people to showcase what they can do to find jobs or clients.

How to make a portfolio that brings you clients

In 2023, the US job market stayed competitive, even though unemployment was low at 3.7%.

But don’t worry…

…a professional portfolio can help you stand out from this competition and find a reliable client or a great full-time employer.

If you’re not sure how to make a professional portfolio you can use AI-powered editing solutions like Upscaler or Background Remover on They can help you create unique web design elements and prepare compositions for display.

Here’s what a strong portfolio should include:

Diverse Selection of Work

In your portfolio, it’s cool to show different kinds of projects you’ve done.

This tells people you’re good at lots of stuff, not just one thing.

Pick projects that show off your skills in different ways, like different styles or types of work.

Detailed Descriptions

Sometimes, people might not get how awesome your projects are unless you explain.

So, in your portfolio, give a little story about each project. Talk about what you wanted to do, what you did, and how it turned out.

People love this and feel connected with your work.

Contact Information

Make it easy for people to get in touch with you. Put your professional email or phone number where people can see it easily.

You can even make a special page just for contact info.

That way, if someone wants to hire you, they can find you fast.

“About Me” Section

Tell a little about yourself! Share stuff like what you love to do and why you’re awesome at it.

This helps people feel like they know you better.

Additionally, it makes your portfolio more personal and fun to read.


If you have any testimonials and endorsements from your colleagues, employers, or collaborators, don’t hesitate to add them to your portfolio website.

Positive feedback adds credibility to your work and proves your skills and professionalism.

It shows that other people think you’re great, which can make new clients trust you more.

What goes in a website portfolio?

Your website portfolio should have projects that show off all the different things you’re good at.

Make sure they match the kind of work you want to do in the future.

For example, if you want to make websites but not logos, put lots of web design projects in your portfolio.

Make them look really good so people who might hire you think, “Wow, this person is awesome at web design!”

How to Build A Website Portfolio

Here’s your simple guide to making a website portfolio step by step:

  • Choose a Domain Name: Pick a name for your website that’s easy to remember. It can be your name or your brand’s name.
  • Pick a Website Builder or CMS: Use tools like Wix or Elementor to build your site. They have ready-made templates that make it easy, even if you’re not a tech whiz.
  • Select a Template: Find a template that looks nice and works well on phones and computers. Since lots of people use phones to surf the web, make sure your site looks good on them too.
  • Organize Your Work: Divide your projects into sections, like “logos” or “illustrations.” This makes it simple for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
  • Add Your Projects: Put your best work on your site. Make sure the pictures look good and everything is easy to see. Also, write a bit about each project so people know what you did.
  • Optimize for Search Engines: To help more people find your site, add keywords related to your work. This makes it show up higher in search results.
  • Test and Launch: Before you show your site to the world, check it for mistakes. Once it’s perfect, publish it! Share it on social media and with your friends to get more people to see it.

FAQs – Website Portfolio

What is a portfolio and why do I need one?

A portfolio is a collection of your work samples that showcases your skills and talents. It’s important because it helps potential clients or employers understand what you can do and how you can help them.

What should I include in my portfolio?

Your portfolio should include your best and most relevant work samples, organized in a clear and easy-to-navigate manner. You should also include descriptions or explanations of each project to provide context.

Do I need a website for my portfolio?

While having a website for your portfolio is recommended, it’s not strictly necessary. You can also create a portfolio using online platforms like Behance or LinkedIn, or even a PDF document.

How many projects should I include in my portfolio?

It’s generally recommended to include a variety of projects that demonstrate your range of skills and experience. However, it’s more important to focus on quality over quantity. Include only your best work and remove anything that doesn’t showcase your abilities effectively.

Should I include personal projects in my portfolio?

Yes, including personal projects can be a great way to showcase your creativity and passion. Personal projects can often demonstrate your skills and interests in a unique and compelling way.

How often should I update my portfolio?

It’s a good idea to update your portfolio regularly to keep it current and relevant. Aim to add new projects as you complete them and remove any outdated or less relevant work. This will ensure that your portfolio always reflects your most recent skills and achievements.

Can I include work samples from my previous jobs or clients in my portfolio?

Yes, you can include work samples from previous jobs or clients in your portfolio, as long as you have permission to do so. If there are any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements in place, make sure you’re not violating them by sharing the work publicly.

How can I make my portfolio stand out from others?

To make your portfolio stand out, focus on showcasing your unique style, creativity, and skills. Use high-quality visuals, clear descriptions, and thoughtful organization.

Additionally, consider adding personal touches such as an “About Me” section or testimonials from satisfied clients to give your portfolio a personal touch and make it memorable.

Let’s Roll This…

Building a professional portfolio is the best way to getting noticed in the creative or tech world.

Whether you’re hunting for clients or looking for your dream job, your portfolio is your ticket to success.

Make sure you crate a portfolio that highlights your skills and talents.

So, go ahead, create your first online portfolio with confidence, and make the most of this opportunity to showcase your best work!

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Picture of Umesh Singh
Umesh Singh
Umesh is blogger by heart and digital marketer by profession. He helps small companies to grow their revenue as well as online presence.